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I read and hear so much about how amazons have a period of the day when they screech or scream. I have had Nilah since she was a baby and I have never found her to do this. Yes, sheis way louder in her talking, but I never hear bird sounds such as screaming g or anything resembling that.

I do play music when I am working on my lessons for the day ( I teach dance & and she yells her little heart out by singing along with the songs,but that is the extent of it. Ideally enjoy that time with her, she sits on my shoulder as I dance and sings the various songs,the louder I put the music on, the louder she sings. When I stop the music,

She stops :)


When I tell her it's time for Zumba, she listens for the music and when she hears it, I ask her, "what's that?" 100% of the time, she yells, "ZUMBA!" My kids laugh each and every time they hear it. :cool:

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My Louie, the BF zon, will be 4 years old 01/01/12. Louie is not much of a screamer or screecher either. About once of week he will screech a little but if I say, "Hey, what's that all about" he stops. I think he just wants to know if I am around and listening. Louie does like music and loves to sing. He carries a reasonably nice tune too. None of my parrots is a dancer though, at least not yet!!

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Cricket is an off key singer but she will try so hard and she is fun to watch. She does not scream or screech just to do it.

Corky our grey makes more noise than Cricket. When Cricket yells RAY I do give her attention and she loves it. My wife said she never yells RAY when I am not at home she will yell MAAA MAAA !! and my wife will go over and talk to her and than she is OK. Two times a day she is a little loud for a shott peroid of time but that`s it.

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Getting any bird from a rescue there is always a risk that they will be a screamer. I am happy to say that Scarlet is not. Her loud voice is more of a chirp and she only does it as a greeting now. She and Kito are both chatty in the morning and evening and those are my favorite times of the day. :)

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That Zumba story is so funny. Unfortunately, Pancho sometimes does make an insanely loud, attention-getting, ear-piercing call in the morning. We try to discourage it by saying other things that he says, to try to redirect, or by walking away. I guess this is something we just have to deal with. It is rather unsettling for everybody. Brutus invariably says, "What's your problem?" which makes it a little more bearable.

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