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Bird's Way Of Thinking/Feeling/Reacting


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If I like it, it's mine.


If it's in my beak, it's mine.


If I can take it from you, it's mine.


If I had it a little while ago, it's mine.


If I'm chewing something, all the pieces are mine.


If it looks just like mine, it's mine.


If I saw it first, it's mine.


If you have something and put it down, it automatically becomes mine.


If it's something that I can reach, it's mine.


If it's mine, it must never appear to be yours in any way.



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No wonder I like greys so much, as I read the list, I was thinking to myself, perfectly natural. Then I read Ray's comment and realized he sounds just like my husband. The audacity that he would think anything belongs to him. Well except for the lawn mower, he can have that and paint his name on it if he wants. LOL.

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No wonder I like greys so much, as I read the list, I was thinking to myself, perfectly natural. Then I read Ray's comment and realized he sounds just like my husband. The audacity that he would think anything belongs to him. Well except for the lawn mower, he can have that and paint his name on it if he wants. LOL.


Hahahaha! Isn't that the truth! Everything is mine as well...UNLESS I get tired of it, it breaks, or is acting up in some way, like the kids for example...when they act up, they are HIS! LOL

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so true.... even we belong to them... was thinking of the same today, when Kookie flew and landed right on my head... his favorite landing spot... I'm sure that he thinks that I too belong to him, or at least my head does... LOL


Thanks for sharing this...

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so true.... even we belong to them... was thinking of the same today, when Kookie flew and landed right on my head... his favorite landing spot... I'm sure that he thinks that I too belong to him, or at least my head does... LOL


Thanks for sharing this...


Glad to share :)


Also, LOVE your sig picture, so adorable!

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I wish Sam felt this way. He is still so shy, but I truly look forward to the day that we can relate :-)


Karen and Sam


Be patient, he will, and once he does.... he will be all over you, like a very jealous clingy child....

it some times drives me crazy, he even follows me to the toilet...lol :D

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Be patient, he will, and once he does.... he will be all over you, like a very jealous clingy child....

it some times drives me crazy, he even follows me to the toilet...lol :D


HAHAHAHA! That is just EPIC!



I had an instance the other day that made me think of this. I had my rescue Teil out the other day, and he was sitting on my lap getting scritches, and LOVING IT...on the other side of the room my hubby was sitting with my Quaker Kiwi. Anyone that has had a Quaker, or knows anything about them, knows where this story is going. Anyhow, Kiwi made her way all the way across the room, walked across my bed, went down to the floor, walked over to me, and just started fighting with the Tiel! I had to separate them from one another! She is one jealous little girl!

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I had Chickie at the breeder's house yesterday getting her wings clipped back a little more, and she has about 8 baby conures right now. She got one of them out and she was holding it and playing with it-I thought it was really cute, so I wanted to hold it too. I picked it up off the counter and Chickie, who had been sitting on her basket the entire time quietly minding her business, IMMEDIATELY flew at it trying to knock it off me. I was totally shocked. I thought maybe the first time was a weird fluke, so I picked up the baby again, and *wham* the same thing. She was NOT happy at all that I was holding another bird. I was totally shocked but then kinda happy cause I guess that means I've been claimed. :) My boyfriend says that Chickie is simply reminding me of the one bird limit that he has put on me...lol. He knows I have already been eyeing one of my breeder's blue quaker babies and has to keep reminding me that Chickie is to be and only bird child.

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My Grandbirdie Isabelle is visiting for the weekend. She is a lovely blue quaker and full of quaker attitude. I'm not sure who is having more fun, me or her. She wasn't here a half hour and she had bit the cat, tossed her water dish, thrown all her toys on the floor and tried to explore the rest of the house. All heck broke loose when the dreaded vacuum cleaner made its appearance. That bird has some voice.


Isn't that the truth. Kiwi thinks she is the biggest bird in the world, and tries to get at any other bird that I spend time with. She is very protective of her mommy. She is 8 months old, and has began to talk a bit. She says "step up, hey baby, tickle tickle, kiwi, hey kiwi" and a few other things that I haven't been able to make out just yet... I love her little voice though :)

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