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Teflon coated Cookware


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NO TEFLON IS SAFE!!! As Judy says, and I agree...why would you take the chance and risk your birds life. It can kill them very quickly before you even know it's a problem. 20 minutes....dead. :(


Research it more, both here and elsewhere, you will see for yourself. It's even dangerous to us humans long term.

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  • 1 month later...

I love to cook and really loved my non-stick pans. When I read about overheating dangers, I changed my range hood to vent outside, got one that automatically turns on the fan by thermostat. I use digital thermometers with probes that will sound an alarm before food reaches a boiling point to be sure I don't get distracted. Then, I read that the number one mistake isn't by the bird owner, but a guest. I thought about it some more. It wouldn't matter how dedicated and careful I am if someone else was coming in to take care of my pets etc. I lovingly packed up my t-fal and got a new set of stainless steel this week.

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  • 1 year later...

From all I have read it is supposed to be safe, however I use stainless steel and cast iron myself. I do know first hand of a cockatoo that dies very quickly after exposure to a hot Teflon coated pan, he was playing in the kitchen when breakfast was being prepared. It was a sudden and irreversible ugly death.

Edited by Greywings
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I'd also just recommend the 100% safe route, in not having anything non-stick at all despite what companies claim. It might have something else that is toxic to birds that hasn't been widely researched yet. Learning a new skill (e.g. cooking with stainless) is never a bad thing anyway. Its not bad once you give it a try. :)

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Okay, you've convinced me. I retired most of my Teflon when I got birds, but there was one large pan that I really liked, and I figured I'd just be careful not to ever overheat it. But you're right. Why take the chance? I love my birds way more than I love that Teflon pan.

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My boyfriend and I, who are both big cooks, have been researching this subject. Has anyone used ceramic pans? Our ceramic knife is a favorite, and I'm wondering if ceramic, with its natural non stick properties, would be safe.

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  • 1 month later...

So stainless steel pots and pans are good, right? Also, how do you know if something if pots/pans are teflon pots/pans? And what are non-stick pots and pans so I can throw these away as well?


Also, you put a few other stuff in the first post about other things also having PTFE, does this make them dangerous as well? Or are only the Teflon & Non-Stick Pots and Pans dangerous?

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  DinoUndies said:
So stainless steel pots and pans are good, right? Also, how do you know if something if pots/pans are teflon pots/pans? And what are non-stick pots and pans so I can throw these away as well?


Also, you put a few other stuff in the first post about other things also having PTFE, does this make them dangerous as well? Or are only the Teflon & Non-Stick Pots and Pans dangerous?



***So stainless steel pots and pans are good, right****

So is cast iron cookware.


Don't worry about all the letters

Simply don't use any type of non stick cookware whether it's teflon or not. AND any type of non stick cookware states that it's non stick. Chemicals are used to make non stick cookware. That's what all the letters above are about.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 months later...

I was researching our toaster oven and coffee maker and called the company. On the toaster oven they said no teflon but it has other non stick material, so I guess we will be getting rid of the toaster oven. Does anyone know a safe one? As for the coffee maker, they said that it has a Phenolic Heat Resistant plastic coating over the aluminum heating plate and heating elements. Is this ok? If not does anyone know a good coffee maker? Also can anyone recomend a hair dryer?



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Toaster oven--------any one that's sold is totally fine.

Coffee maker--------any one that's sold is totally fine.

Hair dryer------------any one that's sold is totally fine.

Humidifiers ( made for breathing)--any one that's sold is totally fine.

Microwaves----------any one that's sold is totally fine.

Electric ovens-------any one that's sold is totally fine.

Gas ovens-----------any one that's sold is totally fine.

(as long as flame stays lite.)

Hot tubs-------------any one that's sold is totally fine.

Saunas--------------any one that's sold is totally fine.

Foot massagers------any one that's sold is totally fine.

Intimate items--------any one that's sold is totally fine.

(Official Manufacturer Info---frequent use is suggested but not mandatory. Read the warranty)



The only thing that shouldn't be done is blow drying a bird after a bath. That causes dry skin on the bird.


The subject of Teflon has been getting blown out of proportion lately. Too much misinformation. The subject of Teflon should be confined to cooking utensils( pots and pans and baking items) on very hot stoves be they electric or gas.


Amen, Amen I say to you----

If you can't breathe it, leave it.

Edited by Dave007
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  Talon said:
Just wanted to throw this out there....if you have a ceramic stove top, the manufacturer recommends NOT using cast iron pans on the top.
yeah that was a fear of mine was dropping some heavy cast iron skillet :( thanks!


  Dave007 said:
Toaster oven--------any one that's sold is totally fine.

Coffee maker--------any one that's sold is totally fine.

Hair dryer------------any one that's sold is totally fine.

Humidifiers ( made for breathing)--any one that's sold is totally fine.

Microwaves----------any one that's sold is totally fine.

Electric ovens-------any one that's sold is totally fine.

Gas ovens-----------any one that's sold is totally fine.

(as long as flame stays lite.)

Hot tubs-------------any one that's sold is totally fine.

Saunas--------------any one that's sold is totally fine.

Foot massagers------any one that's sold is totally fine.

Intimate items--------any one that's sold is totally fine.

(Official Manufacturer Info---frequent use is suggested but not mandatory. Read the warranty)



The only thing that shouldn't be done is blow drying a bird after a bath. That causes dry skin on the bird.


The subject of Teflon has been getting blown out of proportion lately. Too much misinformation. The subject of Teflon should be confined to cooking utensils( pots and pans and baking items) on very hot stoves be they electric or gas.


Amen, Amen I say to you----

If you can't breathe it, leave it.

thanks I hope I didnt start a flurry of panic for everyone over the teflon ... I just wanna make sure Im totally educated and the only way I know to do that is to ask questions from the pros like yourselves! thanks for the help
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  • 2 weeks later...

my friend today gave me a complete set of stainless steel cookware that she had used a few times and HATED. I made my first meal with them tonite and i was worried but it went really well and nothing stuck :D im totally stoked to have been given this as a gift.. as i left she said merry christmas :D that works for me !!!!!!! YEAH! one more thing crossed off my list "to do" :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Dave007 said:
Toaster oven--------any one that's sold is totally fine.

Coffee maker--------any one that's sold is totally fine.

Hair dryer------------any one that's sold is totally fine.

Humidifiers ( made for breathing)--any one that's sold is totally fine.

Microwaves----------any one that's sold is totally fine.

Electric ovens-------any one that's sold is totally fine.

Gas ovens-----------any one that's sold is totally fine.

(as long as flame stays lite.)

Hot tubs-------------any one that's sold is totally fine.

Saunas--------------any one that's sold is totally fine.

Foot massagers------any one that's sold is totally fine.

Intimate items--------any one that's sold is totally fine.

(Official Manufacturer Info---frequent use is suggested but not mandatory. Read the warranty)


Thanks for this list. Like Parrotmomma68, I was also under the impression that ANYTHING with Teflon was dangerous. I'm going to be donating my non-stick pans to Goodwill and purchasing some PTFE-free ones this weekend.


One question I do have is this: does anyone know how long the Teflon fumes remain in the air? I read an article the other day that said the fumes can linger in the air for an indefinite amount of time, and even stay in your carpet for a while. Anyone know if this is true? Maybe I'm being a bit paranoid or ridiculous, but I'm picking up my Grey in a few weeks and would like to know if I should stop using my Teflon pans TODAY so the air in my apartment can get "cleaned up" a bit.

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The biggest problem concerning teflon and odor is when items are left cooking and someone walks away leaving the pans unattended. If the teflon overheats and burns , the smell is terrible and thick and oily. It can get on different items --floors, rugs, windows, countertops, fridges, othe appliances. The smell lasts a long time and getting rid of it takes as much as 2 or 3 weeks and other chemicals have to be used to get rid of it.

If you've been simply using your teflon cookware and haven't had problems like above.You really don't need to *prepare* your house. How longs does it take?? Well, when cooking, some people have exhaust fans connected to the stove. Others have a window open so it's really hard to answer that. All you really have to do right now is purchase some other kind of cookware and you'll be set to go. There's all sorts of cookware on the market.

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  • 5 months later...

Hey guys! Been a long time. As I'm nearing the end of college I'm starting to stock up on stuff I will need once I am on my own, like kitchen stuff. I was wondering if you guys could tell me if Danny Seo's kitchen stuff is safe for birds.


"The ceramic PTFE and PFOA chemical free coating is non-stick and wipes clean."


Here's a link: http://www.dannyseo.com/2012/05/danny-seo-eco-grilling-pans/


Anyone know if these would be safe?




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My understanding is that they have the same issues as Teflon under high heat and wear and tear (chipped pots and pans giving off gas, into food, etc.)


I did a quick search on the Internet and found that both PTFE and PFOA are listed on the Toxic Substance Control Act. Under controlled circumstances they might be fine, but stainless steel cookware is probably your best bet. In any event, they've got killer deals on some stainless sets at big stores like Costco. :)

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