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Seed Catch Help!!!


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Hey All,


As we all know our greys can throw food very far. I need help to find a tray or something that I can put on the floor near the cage to catch seeds, droppings, etc. I thought about getting a laundry washer tray, but still not sure. I feel like I vaccum way too much. I think the best idea would be a tray that I could put newspaper on top. Clean up would be much easier with this. What do most people do to help maintain the mess?

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If you have carpet, use the plastic strips, I have the hard wood Look a like floor, and I just line it with newspaper, One of mine likes to poop hanging on the side of the cage, so all his poop hits the floor, I put a box down in his favorite spot and it was cheap and it worked.

They have seed catchers such as this, I never used one so I don't know if they work or not. To me just something else to clean. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Bird-Cage-Seed-Guard-Seed-Catcher-Full-UNDER-CAGE-KHAKI-/200584320765?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2eb3c1d6fd

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Shadow has a personal cleanup crew.....my 3 tiny chihuahuas have no problem cleaning up after her. Actually I am not sure who enjoys it more, the bird who throws the food or the eager little dogs waiting for it. :rolleyes:

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I use a horse stall mat, under Sam's cage. It makes it so much easier to clean (unfortunately he's in a carpeted room) and it works great. I vacuum it daily and wash it down once a week. It's been so mild in the North East, that I am still able to take it outside and hose it down.


Karen (and Sam)

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