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My adopted greys are about to become parents


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Yesterday, Squacker,the male nailed me good as I was filling the food dish with mixed nuts.......whomever has that saying on their post about give blood, own a bird is soooo right! lol I was dripping blood all over, he nailed my middle finger good!

Just checked on the nest and there is one cracked egg with stuff oozing out, I didn't see a beak so am wondering if mom cracked it while moving the eggs around. She seems to be moving them a lot the last few days and rarely comes out. She came out today,stretched, sunned herself awhile, ate some food and drank, its the most I have seen of her for a few days.

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Any suggestions on how long to leave the other eggs? I will remove the cracked one tonight after everyone leaves,she flipped the egg over so I can't tell which one it was, I will some how block them from the opening but they are sooooooooooo fast! Going to be my Christmas challenge!

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I'll answer by using your time schedule that you stated.

The first egg that you judged would hatch opprox 12/5 was already incubated for approx 30 days before you could make a judgement as to when it would hatch. The egg didn't ------egg is no good. Do the same calculation for each egg. Eggs are laid 2 to 3 days apart. They hatch 2 to 3 days apart. From the time they're laid, it takes approx 30/32 days to hatch because the hen immediately starts to incubate them after she lays them. Your hen has had all of the eggs much more than 30/32/33 days.

According to your time schedule

the first egg you saw should have hatched by 12/5

the second egg you saw should have hatched by 12/7--12/8

the third egg you saw should have hatched by 12/9--12/11

the fourth egg you saw should have hatched by 12/12 ---12/14

this would also apply to the fifth egg but you said one was cracked so that egg is automatically no good. The egg should have been removed immediately.

So far , none of the eggs have hatched. You do the math.

I'm gonna assume that you never provided the proper quiet breeding environment, never fed them special types of food in order to strenthen them for breeding, don't know specific hatching schedules, never took either of them to a vet to see if there was anything wrong with them, never found out if the female was calcium defecient, Because of what types of questions you're asking, I'm gonna assume that you don't own an incubator, don't own a brooder, don't know how to hand feed baby greys, don't know how to make up special formula, don't know time schedules for feeding, don't know how to recognize sick chicks. If any of the chicks were to hatch, coming to a board (AFTER BEING HATCHED) to get information will result in dead chicks.

So, I would advise you to never put these birds together just because they are sexually attracted to each other. Plus, they each need their own cage. Many people have greys that can get sexually attracted to each other but they're still not put together.

Breeding greys is complicated and shouldn't be tried by novices.

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