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Chickie is home!!

Life is Greyt

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She came home tonight and has done really well so far :) She makes a kissing noise when she wants a kiss...it's too cute! She got right on her new tree and has met 1 dog so far without a problem. I am so happy to have my little girl home finally!! :)







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Congrats on your new feathered baby! My little one is a Christmas present as well, but he wont be home until around the end of January...well worth that wait though, Im sure! It is just so difficult, and seems like time is going so SLOW! So how old is Chickie?

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Well, I was off all weekend with her and she seems to be settling in quite well. She didn't even flinch when she met the rest of our animals. They are way more interested in her than she is in them. I was worried that she would miss the breeder, but I think she is happy. She chirps at us and makes a kissing noise when she gives/wants kisses. It's too cute :). My boyfriend and I are both trying to handle her equally so she's used to us both. I think I may have heard what I think I've heard you guys call a "happy growl," vs a mad/scared growl, when she does it she doesn't seem upset at all. I hope it's a happy noise...it's a grumbly growl. Now that I have her home I am so happy, but I realize how much I still don't know. So glad to have you guys to guide us on our new journey :)


Dawl-she was hatched on 8/17 so she is almost 4 months. I felt the same way, that time couldn't move any slower, and I was always so sad when I had to leave her at the end of visits...BUT, that being said, it's totally worth the wait I promise!! :) do you have a name picked out for your little guy yet? It took me FOREVER to decide on Chickie's name.

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Thanks so much :) She is such a sweetie and I hope to raise her right..lol. My breeder did an excellent job socializing her so the transition to home was almost seamless. She seems to be fearless...except of new foods...lol. I think we may tackle a bath tomorrow since I have had her since Friday and she hasn't had one.

Edited by Life is Greyt
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Dawl-she was hatched on 8/17 so she is almost 4 months. I felt the same way, that time couldn't move any slower, and I was always so sad when I had to leave her at the end of visits...BUT, that being said, it's totally worth the wait I promise!! :) do you have a name picked out for your little guy yet? It took me FOREVER to decide on Chickie's name.


We sure do! His name is Grimm :)

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Chickie is so beautiful. I can tell your over joyed! I remember those days, what fun we had. Enjoy them and get lots of videos they are always doing something funny or crazy.

As LuvParrots stated this is the foundation for the rest of her long healthy life, I know it's hard not to give in to those adorable eyes. BTW where did you get that tree, I just love it?


On a second note, please, please, please be very careful of the dogs and cat. I know it seems as though all is greyt but Chickie has no fear and one day at any moment one of the dogs or cat might just bite or worse to Chickie. I have seen far to many birds and pocket pets killed as a result of dogs and cats that always gotten along. It happens so fast and usually out of nowhere. I have three dogs myself and all are so sweet and they to have licked my birds and seemed to get along, but I still put my dogs away when the birds are out. I am a huge dog lover to I just have a schedule where it's fair for all of my babies. I would'nt want anything to happen to Chickie. Just my opinion.


Please keep us updated with Chickie, Im very happy for you and her. BTW Happy Birthday!



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Thanks emlee :) I appreciate your advice. I am definitely on guard whenever she is out and they are too. I was just shocked that she didn't even care about them at all. I spent all this time before she came home worrying about her integrating into the house and she did it herself so flawlessly that I couldn't believe it. I do appreciate your honesty and reminder though, as I don't want to become complacent and have anything happen to my darling girl. I am totally smitten with her. :)

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Oh, the tree is from manzanita habitats on eBay. He makes 2 different sizes, this is the smaller one-but it's still abbot 5 feet tall and has about 14 branches on it that you can move around and replace. It was only $199, 250 after shipping, which I thought was a steal. I liked it more than any of the other trees I saw in stores.

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Thanks, I really, really like it. Next spring I'm going with an outdoor avairy and would like to get the stuff I need early rather than rush around. We spend march-oct in the pool and we cook out doors so the birds love to be with us for all family events, soon they can.



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Thanks Nancy. I know any help I will ever need can be found between here and my breeder. Things have gone well so far. She steps up and down reliably and we say "no bite" if she tries to bite, which she usually responds to. Hopefully I raise her right, but I think that she is teaching me more than I am teaching her :) My boyfriend and I share the taking care of her so hopefully she wont become attached to only one of us. She had her first bath since I brought her home today, and she did better than I expected. My breeder was putting her in he sink and spraying her down, so that's what I did too. She was a little mad at me, but 5 min later was over it. I now realize how thankful I am that I bought from the breeder that I did. She gave me a wonderful, well socialized baby. Now it's my job to keep her that way. 

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She has settled in better than my wildest dreams. She rolled right up in the place like she owned it. Everyday she makes a new noise, which just keeps me in stitches, and, I think she's close to talking, she mumbles something that sounds like it's in my voice but we can't quite understand it yet. She is a total joy and I couldn't be happier with how well she fits into our animal house. :)

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