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You know you live with a Grey when:


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Dooohhh yeah...the whole, 'I think you love that bird more than me' thing. It's a fine line....careful...caaaarefulll.


I've heard that from the spouse before. : roll eyes :


You know you live with an African Grey when you hear "Mom!" and respond, "I'm in the kitchen, Honey..." After several times you realize that your daughter has been at work for hours and the bird has picked up her exact tone and voice.


The kids were just joking about teaching the bird that last night... "Mom!" "Mom!" "Mom!" "What?!" Just to drive me crazy.

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OH YEAH!!!!! With just hubby & I around 24/7 I hear about once a week.... You cook more for the bird than me. Wish I got as many massages as he does. You pay more attention to him than me.


AHEM............... I'm soooooooooooooo guilty!!

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You know you have a Grey when you start talking like one!!!


I was out with my hubby at a restaurant and I ate something that made me suddenly very thirsty. Because of the other dishes on the table, I had to reach across for my drink on my husband's side. He looked at me and asked something like, "What do you want?" All I could get out was, "Thirsty-making! Thirsty-making!" The look he gave me was so odd ("Do you mean you want some water?"), and after me spouting out some other strangely short phrases at other times recently, we've come to the conclusion that I've started speaking like Marcus often does. Oh, yes, he has his golden moments of perfect articulation that leave us slack-jawed, but most of the time his comments are short and sweet and just a little bit goofy--and apparently I'm now taking lessons from him! :P

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...you pop a new Christmas CD in & hear whistling phrases that no human musician has ever even dreamed. In some very appropriate places, too.


It is so sad that he's such a camera-phobe. He practically had me in tears while he was accompanying Bing Crosby. David Bowie's got absolutely nothin on my boy Phenix!!

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Phenix loves to show off how well he whistles & was just having the best time. It was pure joy!


He reworked the accompaniment to "Marshmallow World". Not anything like the original melody but still strangely musical. The crazy thing was, most of what he made up actually seemed like it fit where he put it! I don't think I'll ever forget it, even if I didn't get a video. But what a shame. It was a brilliant performance!

Edited by birdhouse
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