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You know you live with a Grey when:


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You know you live with a Grey when:

You find yourself with white fluff all over.

When chocolate is a guilty pleasure.

when you look longingly at an avocado pear on the green grocer stall.

When you find you keyboard has had an incomplete service.

When you favorite book has peculiar triangular cut outs on your open page.



Steve n Misty:eek:

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  chezron said:

Also, you will never eat a meal alone if you own birds.

Indeed. Misty always shares my mealtimes and often my food when it is suitable. In fact most of my food is now prepared to be parrot friendly. If ever I eat out I miss him and feel a little guilty! ( Yes I am thinking of making an appointment with trickcyclist ).:eek:


Steve n Misty

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Check the substance of those mini blinds I have a friend who nearly lost a bird to heavy metal poisoning due to mini blind destruction by his bird. Their Vet was able to save the bird after much chelation therapy and lots of hand feeding. We have chunks missing out of our Mantlepiece where a cage got moved too close and missing pieces of crow molding in the kitchen living room pass thrugh. Also have mini blind damage from our U2 when he let himself out when we were not home, luckily they were not toxic, but the blinds are ruined.

Edited by Greywings
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Oh boy I can relate to the vertical blinds. I have blinds on my sliding doors. One day I came in with groceries and the bird that normally talks a mile a min was dead quiet. Upon investigating the silence I came up to his cage, his back was turned to me. I realized he had reached out of the cage and pulled several blinds into his cage and was chewing them. I said to him "What are you doing" he turned and looked at me and said "Hello" It was like he got caught in the cookie jar. He was so cute. The blinds have light holes coming through. It looks like shot gun pellett.

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You know you live w/a grey when you drop something big & heavy & think it a good thing that it landed on your foot because it would have made a loud crash & scared the fids.


I actually just did this & have come to the conclusion that life w/the flock has finally driven me well & truly mad. But mostly in a good way. lol

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When you ignore your bird as he is tossing things on the floor for attention,

When you have researched the best tools for cleaning surfaces of poop and have an extensive arsenal,

When you keep your open drink in the refrigerator because he is trying to get it,

When nearly no loose items are out on your counters,

When you have to hide in the back room to eat your burrito,

When you know what ninja moves are,

When you have replaced 4 keyboards, 5 dish wands, two pairs of shoes....ohh forget it...lol

When you are never alone on trips to the pantry anymore..




When you are the luckiest person in the world to have an African Grey as a friend.

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Yoy know you live with a grey when you can`t find your car keys, Than you remember the last time you saw them was near your greys cage.

You know you live with a grey when you are out side working and your car starts up because your grey found your car keys and pushed the remote start button

Edited by Ray P
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  Ray P said:
Yoy know you live with a grey when you can`t find your car keys, Than you remember the last time you saw them was near your greys cage.

You know you live with a grey when you are out side working and your car starts up because your grey found your car keys and pushed the remote start button


lol nice./...

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I wonder if Sophie CAN spell! When we went on vacation, I was trying to decide to board her, which she enjoys, but my son's friend wanted to care for her. He loves her, and she also cares for him. So I let him move in, and take care of her. He did great... but when I came home, she said A......! I was NOT happy! While discussing it with the boys, I spelt it out.... she immediately said "A....." She has since forgotten this word.But, when I spelt it out, she said the bad word. She hasn't since, thank God! Nancy

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