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sadly saying GOOD BYE

Shelly Yokum

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Most of you know what has happened to me this year. Well, so far no luck in my favor. I am only days away from the electric, phone, and internet being cut off. So I won't be able to read or respond.

You people have been a God sent to me. I have truly enjoyed this site, and the people here are incredible. Hearing about your birds, and sharing about mine has been a learning experience. I have laughed and I have cried with the stories here.

I know if you didn't see something from me for a while some of you would worry. I am ok, just don't know what to do.

I have call everywhere, trying to find help. I get the same story everywhere I turn. We are all out of help for the year. Try back Jan 3,....


I want to say that I will miss you all very much, and I will be back when things get better. I hope you all have great holidays to come.

I love you all

Shelly, Austin, and fids. :(:(

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I hope and pray things turn around soon for you. I know it's easy for us to say but quite different when it's you it's happening to. I have been there myself. Remember nothing is forever and god will open another door for you. Did you try the local churches, they will usually help out.

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Most of you know what has happened to me this year. Well, so far no luck in my favor. I am only days away from the electric, phone, and internet being cut off. So I won't be able to read or respond.

You people have been a God sent to me. I have truly enjoyed this site, and the people here are incredible. Hearing about your birds, and sharing about mine has been a learning experience. I have laughed and I have cried with the stories here.

I know if you didn't see something from me for a while some of you would worry. I am ok, just don't know what to do.

I have call everywhere, trying to find help. I get the same story everywhere I turn. We are all out of help for the year. Try back Jan 3,....


I want to say that I will miss you all very much, and I will be back when things get better. I hope you all have great holidays to come.

I love you all

Shelly, Austin, and fids. :(:(

goodness Im new here so I am not exactly sure what is going on in your life but I sure hope it turns around for you soon. I had a friend that used to always say TOPCA to me (till our paths cross again) So :) chin up and hang in there. Gods never sposed to give us more then we can handle (I know thats easy to say .. and sometimes we feel like hes testing us ...) We'll look for your return! :D


Shelly you don`t have to say good buy just say untill the next time and we will be here. Just remember it`s darkest before the dawn and the sun will shine again.
:D nice advice
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