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IPads & Our Fids


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As I am sitting on the couch in front of the tv on the recliner, I have 3 birds perched on and around me. I just want to say....THANK YOU Apple for inventing the IPad! With out it, I would never be ale to reply to threads here. I never use my laptop, have gone thru 3 keyboards while trying to use it at night while spending time with my birdies. Many keys are missing.:( I use my IPad all the time and they can't chew the keys!!! :cool:

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Misty used to regularly "service" my iMac keyboard until I got transparent rubber protector for it from that auction site we all love to hate. Now he no longer messes with the keys although he still takes great delight in flying over and jumping on it when ever I spend to much time on it and he feels I am ignoring him.

Come to think of it living with a Grey is a bit like being married to a very demanding partner!


Talon, I have found that taping a Jaycloth so it hangs down the back of the screen stops Misty landing on it because the turbulence from his wings causes it to rise up and it puts him off landing. You never see it normally.



Steve n Mistyparrot

Edited by Mistyparrot
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When Gilbert is finally airborne, I will definitely need to put an iPad on my wish list. I guard my laptop very carefully. Java was our little destructo. I still use my damaged laptop in the sewing room where it is too dangerous for the birds to fly freely. Every time I press the left shift key, I get a little reminder of the need to be watchful. I caught her every time she pulled off a key... until that one and she chewed off the rubber boot underneath as well. I get a tiny piercing jolt and think to myself... I need to find a key to replace that one. LOL. I love the idea that we could have a touch screen and teach our greys to use Skype and other aps.

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I am writing this to show that a little discipline is not harmful. When we moved, I vowed to keep certain areas off limits in our new house. So far it has worked. Brutus is not allowed on my desk or on the lamps next to my desk.

Not to say he doesn't try, but I use a saucepan lid and chase him off. He knows the appearance of the lid and the word, "go" means he needs to move-now! I do not even have to touch him, I just flash the lid. We have reached a compromise, where he is allowed on top of the small TV on my desk, only because it is indestructible and he cannot reach anything that is destroyable. He occasionally sits on the TV (about two feet from me) at the end of the day, grinds his beak, and chills. He also is not allowed on the kitchen counters. He has a pillow on top of the refrigerator he can sit on, or he can sit on the breakfast bar, but not where I am working. I worry about heat from the stove, plus I am tired of dealing with his antics while I am concentrating on a recipe. I sound really bad-ass don't I? He is fine with our arrangement most of the time, but he still tests me from time to time which is okay. He still has managed to decorate all window and door frames with bite marks, and we have comforters covering most of our furniture, to keep it safe. I used to worry I may "damage" him with corrections, but he is a happy guy and no worse for it. I believe if you let him know he is loved and respected, he will treat you and your wishes accordingly. But, I must never waver because he will accelerate his attempts to be somewhere normally forbidden. He's not stupid. It is funny he doesn't even try to go to forbidden places when I am not home. Needless to say my computer keyboard, cell phone, and calculators are all intact, and I leave them out.

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Speaking of IPADS, are there any apps that the fids seem to like? Last night we played some animal sounds app, and Sam was watching and listening so intently. He's still not talking, but does make sounds. Sure enough, early this moring he was making a duck sound.... from the app last night.


Suggestions of others that your fids like?


Karen and Sam

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