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my introductin

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Hello, I'm not a grey owner and I haven't experience with them. However, someday I do plan to purchase one so my research led me here.


Name: Greg

Age: 23 Gender: Male

Currently in the marine corps but I'll be out shortly (Oct 22nd)... I have a few things I plan to do before I buy a grey, but I'll be here a lot looking into them more so that I'm prepared when it finally comes around.

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Hi, Welcome to our bird brain family. You came to one of the right places to do research on your future Grey.

We have alot of smart cookie in here. Feel free to go through some of the threads that catch your interest. Good luck on your future Grey. :)

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Hello Greg and welcome to the group. I'm happy to hear that you are doing your research on African Greys before you purchase, as you may or may not know they require alot of attention daily and do live up to 60 years of age, this is a big commitment on your part and hats off to you if you are willing to take on this relationship with a grey. All the best to you Greg and again welcome.:)


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Hello and welcome to the family, Greg, what a nice name, my son's name is Greg also. You have just joined an elite group of grey owners who love to help one another with any questions they may have.


You are doing the right thing to research before getting that grey, they do require more than the average bird and lots of love and attention. If this is what you want then you won't go wrong with a grey.


My hat is off to you being a Marine, I am proud of you and I thank god for every one of you in the service, without you where would we be.

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A late Welcome! Jar head huh...My brother is in the Army and is over in Korea. Your going to make a great Grey daddy when you get one because most people jump into getting parrots not knowing what to expect.... not to say anyone here did that. Am sure everyone here will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have before making the plunge and any you have after.



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