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CODY... Flying Over the Rainbow


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Hello all,

I know its been a while since ive been up here. Just a little background story. I researched what bird i wanted for 2 years prior to making a decision on a grey. Then I spend more time deciding if i wanted a TAG or CAG. then I found a breeder very close to my house and decided to go TAG. Unfortunately, the bird I named Cody never even made it home to me. The whole clutch died. So then trhe search for another breeder came... I live in virginia but several people had recommended a small shop in Jersey called Fancy Feathers. I called and talked to Denise and decided she would be where i would go to get my TAG. Then 5 months later .. along came Cody II. I picked him up in July. We got him harness trained and then he went with m just about everywhere.. we started recall training. and he was just a joy to be with. I had some frinds in town for homecoming and they wanted to me Cody, The GREYT. soI put on his harness put him in his homemade Pak- O-Bird and off to the car we go. I put him in the car and he climbed out of the bag, which is no big deal.. that was the routine. part of the routing the i forgot was to secure his harness. When i opened my door he went to fly to my should as he usually does but it was exceptonally windy that saturday and he missed my shoulder and i missed his harness. i called for him and he began to circle around but he couldnt come down. it was like the a balloon al i can hear is him screeching and going higher and higher I tried to follow him and continued to call for him.. once he had gone out of sight i ran into the house to have my friends help me look for him and call . clickers whistle his favorite annoyingly loud bell we used all the noise we could. there was a mover accross the parking lot that tld me he say Cody II because he was still wearing his harness. I looked up and to my horror, i saw him being chased by crows. I saw him land in a tree and all the crows gathered. the tree was not reachable from where i was so i called animal control and was advised that they dont climb trees and because i couldnt verify that he was still in the tree... they wouldnt place a memo in the system in case anyone finds and returns him.


As you can imagine I was heart broken. I didnt realize how much Cody II had become a part of my life. We would have oatmeal or hot cereal together in the mornings and play tug-o -war before work. After work, at least 2 times a week, we would go on an excursion. The whole purpose of the harness was to allow him to experience things other than my 1000sq/ft apartment. he loved riding in the car. and while some people wouldnt agree with my method of transportation Cody II enjoyed traveling. It made him a very confident bird more fearless..


I immediately posted ad on Craigslist , 911parrotalert and several other sites alerting people that i had lost my fid. His cage was too large for my to place outside and the rental company declined that request anyway . but they did allow me to ut his portable perch out and food in the area that i last saw him ..

everyday i would leave work on my lunch break to go survery the area because i know they typically dont go far. I placed lost flyers in local shops and even did door 2 door campaign trying to find my feathered friend.


Cody II was only 7 months and was just beginning to talk but he did learn 1 trick that made him a star everywhere we went.. He learned to play dead. I would grab him, look him in the eye and say "Dead bird" he would flop his head over my hand and put his little feet in the air untill i pretended to bring him back to life by saying "CLEAR". It was in the play dea position that i saw Cody Ii hanging from his harness way way high in the tree. i saw some movement so i didnt know if he was on his last leg or if it was just the wind. This time the fire department came out but thier ladder truck was unable to reach him , he was just too high. I called and calledd there wwas no significant movement to indicate any sign of life remaining. Devestation again, but this time it was with a sense of closure. I called my breeder to let he know what had happened. everyone on facebook that knew me understood that Cody II meant so much to me. ( mainly because i posted so much about him ).


Cody II will be missed by me and the many people that loved him . unfortunately he wasnt here long but i take peace in knowing that while he was here, he was well taken care of and we enreiched each others lives.

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I am so sorry about Cody. Cody was the very first TAG I ever met. He was so sweet as a baby.


Hopefully some day down the line you are able to bring another parrot into your life, although I am sure none will replace that special bond you and Cody had.

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I am so sorry to read the ordeal you have been through. I lost two baby CAGs in one year to illness and the devastation was profound. You gave Cody II all of your heart and did so much to enrich his life. My condolences to you. We did have the opportunity to rehome an older TAG and it took some soul searching. I was afraid I would come to feel like I was trying to replace my first loves, but he is a family member in his own right and I haven't let a day pass that I am not grateful for his company. Thanks for coming and sharing your experience with us during such a painful time.

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Thank you Everyone... I WILL DEFINITELY NEVER EVER FORGET HIM. I Picked him up from the breeder 7/10/2011 and we had a very eventful 8 hour drive back to VA within those months i had to replace 7 pair of headphones, a couple of keys on my laptop, 3 univeral remotes, plastic cups, tooth brushes, and pratically anything plastic. He was genuinely just a joy to be around. He would scream when strangers tried to touch him but if they didnt pull thier hand away, he would go to them. the funny part is he woud do this sigh before he stepped up onto the strangers hand.. like

' uuggh i guess you're not scared of me so daddy says to show you love' even if I got a timneh tomorrow he wont be Cody the Greyt A.K.A CODES.

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Thinking about your life with Cody and your loss brought me back around to the days when I was waiting for our first baby grey to be ready from his breeder, the homecoming and those six estatic weeks of him flying and chortling and getting a pink face with excitement to see me get up in the morning. It was hard to come back to the forum and not know what to say and hard to make the choice to make a second try and bring home his brother. As the loss of these two birds and the pain subsides and the new chance I have had with a rehomed older TAG mitigates the unthinkable circumstances, it does get better with time. You were able to bring back to me the magical happy moments I had tucked away with the grief. Thank you for being strong and coming in to tell us your loss, it helps to move forward and give yourself the gift of all the laughter and joy he brought to your life.

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