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Just had a question....maybe you could help?


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I have only had my AG for a few weeks and I have had my mini macaw for awhile....I had an issue begining today, and I need some advice.... This morning I opened both cages as I always have done (they sit across the room from one another) Tia (AG) has always sat on her cage talking, laughing and whistling....and Joker (Mini Macaw) always climbs down from his cage...comes over and climbs up the chair to my shoulder and proceeds to tell me how his night went...The chair sits about smack dab in between the two....Today was different......Today it was a race to see who could get to me first....This is where I'm havin a issue....I have never had the 2 close enough to do anything to each other..Never had one on my shoulder while I talked to the other...I'm a little concerned about it. Tia is not a biter...if she wants you to leave her be she bites but nothing serious...Joker laughs if he draws blood..and he is molting so he's a lil more upset...I put Joker away, went and retrieved Tia who was now on the floor headed my way....Should I wait until Joker is done molting and maybe try to put them on the banister together...or the chair with me...or the floor?? PLEASE help!!! Should I even try to get them to be a little more sociable with each other?

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You know, I'm in the same boat. That's a really good question. I have three birds, my Grey Quinn, my Too Chuckles, my Conure Mango. Chuckles seems to like all the animals, he hitches a ride on the dogs needless to say the ride is not long. lol. I have had Mango on my finger and Quinn on my shoulder. I held Mango higher and away, I don't know what they would do either? Will they eventually get along? How do I go about introducing them? I would love for them all to hang out together!!

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good questions, i have no answers, sorry. we've had athena all of her 8 years. we've had kallie only this past 6 months, she just turned 3 years. there is such a huge size difference between the two, athena doesn't even weigh 100 grams and kallie is just over 400 grams! both are flighted, but athena isn't and has never been the most agile/graceful flyer. because athena is the "1st" bird, we do for her 1st. food, cage cleaning, greeting, bed time, etc. she is let out 1st and i explain to kallie, she's next. on rare occasion, we have reversed and have let kallie out 1st (explaining to athena that she's next), and tried doing other things (food, cage, etc) with her 1st as well. kallie gets impatient when athena is 1st, athena gets impatient when kallie is first.


we've only had both out at the same time when my husband is home. i'll get athena out and we'll go upstairs (or weather permitting on the enclosed back porch) then he'll get kallie out. kallie has shown an interest in athena's cage when she's been out, but i distract her to keep her away since athena's inside of it. we haven't tried to have them both out in the same room or even on the same floor at the same time yet. i'm not sure how to go about that, what to look for as far as "danger" signals beyond their body language. i'm not expecting them to be preening buddies or play on the play stand together, but i'd like to be able to let them out at the same time and know that for the most part, they'll be ok when it's just the girls and me and not have to rely on my husband being home for them both to be out at the same time.

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The banister is our "play stand" for the time being...they can run along the entire length of the living room...Jokers cage sits close enough to the banister he can jump right on and head to the couch..or wherever. Tia has been on the banister and I have left Joker in his cage..She will not even go close to his cage, Joker as he sits on the my chair he observes her and her cage... I just don't know where would be the best place to I guess let them meet...or even if its a good idea to let them get to know each other. I didnt want to "personalize" a playstand for only one of them, I would want one they could both enjoy together...I just don't know how to get from..strangers to possibly being able to sit on a playstand/tolerate each other. I see so many people here who have several different birds with pictures of them all together...sitting on play stands....I wanna be one of those people! Lol..Just need some ideas to get there. So IF you are one of those bird charmers....could you please send a lil magic this way :)

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I have three parrots. My smallest is my TAG my first parrot. She is very confident, jealous and very aggressive with my other two parrots. My middle-sized parrot is my Zon a re-home who is usually sweet with a "you leave me alone I'll leave you alone" attitude, but also with a "leave my perching spots alone if I want them or else" attitude. My biggest parrot is my CAG who is only 8 months old. If anyone comes and picks on him, he will stand his ground and the other two will leave before he will. My three will only tolerate each other. They are not friends and I'm not hopeful that they every will be. I am constantly breaking up fights, although so far they haven't really attacked each other in a blood curdling way just battles for position. I have taken pictures of them in semi-close proximally but with a very close eye to see that they do not go beak to beak. Will they ever be friends??? I don't know. They are all full-flighted, if I am not available to watch the three of them together, I will put my CAG, the biggest, the youngest in his cage, he is the one who could do the most damage and the other two know it. So my together pictures are all posed. It is seldom that my TAG and CAG will sit on my computer screen together and only if I am sitting at the screen.

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Should I even try to get them to be a little more sociable with each other?


You can do noting in regards whether they will ever like each other or not. Greys in the wild only flock together, all others are not welcome. Conures, Amazons, Macaws etc. will co-mingle.


My conure has always tried to be buddies with Dayo our grey. He is always driven away and even got a few nips as he scrambles and fly's to get away once Dayo decides he has encroached in his space or just annoyed him. They are both flighted and Jake being smaller can take off swiftly and make tighter turns than Dayo as he is in pursuit.


You will always need to be vigilant in watching them when they are out together, especially if they are not flighted.

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Pookie CAG is some what tolerant of the other birds but will chase them away as well. Whisper big CAG is aggressive with all the other birds and has no fear of even our big Umbie boy who is equally aggressive. Smartee Pants a very small TAG will chase other Greys and seem to be very in charge. Smokey Joe CAG big boy has to be separate due to aggression, he is not flighted due to a very bad wing clip before he arrived here. The others are all flighted Whisper can only come out when very supervises (jealousy issues) Pookie can be out with the others with very few problems-being flighted she just removes herself from any problems. Smartee flies to other cages and takes over kicking the former resident out. Fred our Elanora Too gets along with the crowd no interaction between him and our Umbie allowed and Smartee or Joe can chase him off. Whisper goes for his toes if he lands on her cage so we try to keep the top covered. It is not easy to be a Too in a Grey household.

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544.jpgI don`t know if Corky my CAG and Cricket my amazon like each other, but thay seam to have found a common ground that they both can work with.

When they are out they are supervised. They will eat off the same plate at the same time with no trouble and will even share from time to time.

They have both sat one on each shoulder, but they know the rules. How well they get along is a toss up and will differ from bird to bird.


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Wow so much great advice, thank you. I am so afraid of them hurting each other, so they are all watched when out. My blind poodle believe it or not is the biggest threat, he gets put in another room when any bird is out. Quinn is very timid. I posted some of my story in the new section and grey lounge. I need so much help. My heart is broken.

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This is some great advice!!!....here is my next questions for you.....where/how do I introduce them? Do I set Tia on the banister and let Joker out? What should I look for as body language if they do not choose to tolerate each other? Neither one of my birds are flighted...Joker was the last bird from a retired pet owner, so he has been around other birds....Tia came from an only bird household...

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I had fears of bloody encounters when I introduced an Amazon to my aggressive quaker, and mellow CAG. Those fears have never materialized. I have not observed much mingling between the birds, although, Brutus (CAG) talks about Pancho all the time ("I love Pancho", "Brutus, Jimpster, and Pancho", etc.). Jimpster (quaker) now sits in a new spot closer to Pancho and in between Pancho and Brutus. They all tend to sit approximately two feet away from each other when resting or preening. I really think they like each other's company even if they don't interact. I know Pancho calls, "hello?" when the other two are upstairs visiting their father. Jimpster and Brutus like to fly together and spar once in awhile. Jimpster is normally on Brutus' cage and rarely on his own cage. Neither one has visited Pancho's cage (or maybe they have and I don't know). I think that perhaps there have been visits to Pancho's cage, and he may have told them, in no uncertain terms, to back-off. I think Pancho is a scrappy little guy, able to handle himself, and he may have made his point early-on. I dunno. Keep us posted on your progress.

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This weekend I'm going to try the banister....I decided I am going to place Tia on the banister and open Jokers cage......I will let you know tomorrow how it went I will be home all day so that if something happens I'm right there

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Tia is in Joker's "old" cage......Today while cleaning cages, I finished putting a new swing in Tia's cage, Joker came off of his cage, to the floor...up my pant leg and onto Tia's cage......Defending it while Tia sat patiently on a chair close to her cage.....I think he was upset/jealous of the entire situation..(I believe he proceeded to tell me all about it on my shoulder as we walked away allowing Tia to return to her perch on the cage)... I am still going to try the banister and see what happens, however with the new "territoy" issue I'm going to try to "ignore" them both....With Tia still settling in, hopefully Joker wont be too overbearing...

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Well first attempt didnt go good.....I'm not sure if its because Tia was in Joker's usual spot, or if it was because he is moulting OR if he just wants to be a Butt...(I believe its the latter) He was hesitant at first...but it really didnt take long and feathers ruffled, beak open...heading her way...maybe its a territory thing...I dont know I just know first attempt ended with me saying NO, Joker ruffling his feathers and pecking at me (like" how could you") and Tia scrambling up my arm (in "SAVE me" mode)

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Im sorry it didn't work out yet. I think the play stand is a great idea, neutral territory. Let me know as I want to let mine become friends. My CAG and my Too. My CAG Quinn says "Hello Quinn" and Quinn answers Hello or I Love You. Its funny, I wish they knew what they were saying.

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