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Help me avoid scammers


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Hello, new to the forum, I have been looking to get a grey for a while now and was previously dealing with scammers. I thought I had a CAG on craigslist but he is now "sold" not sure if it was real anyway. For the most part I cant seem to find a "real" breeder they are all scammers when I google it. Does anyone know of a reputable breeder I can deal with to get a CAG? I would prefer one in driving distance to me so I wouldnt have to ship if at all possible but would consider shipping with delta or something like that. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I live in AR. TIA

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There are two avian vets in AR. I bet they could point you in the right direction.


Also, there are a few birds fairs that are held throughout the year where I live. Breeders bring babies to these events. I'm not advocating buying a bird from a bird fair, but I bet if you attend one, and ask different vendors, they could tell you who is reputable or not.

There were also representatives from a local rescue at the last fair I went to.

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I don't know where you are located but I myself would not buy a bird I have not seen or interacted with. Call around to the different vets in your area and see if they know of any breeders. Do not buy from a bird fair, we just went to one in our area this past Sunday and it was my first experience and the birds were in mighty sad conditions. Filthy cages, large birds in too small cages. Not to say that all that go to these places keep their birds like this but it is very sad. If you can find a store that specializes in birds and has a good reputation that would be a good place also. Just check things out first very carefully and good luck in your search.

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I live in a small town in AR our local vet's arent even avian vets, there are a few avian vets in a college town an hour away from me. There used to be a breeder in a town called Hope, AR I beleive when I was searchig a few years back but I have been unable to locate them online or any info on them. Pretty much all sites I pull up online are scammers and nothing is located in AR. I will check with the avian vets in that college town to see where I get with them. I recently lost my 2 parakeets due to old age and really miss them.

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I live in a small town in AR our local vet's arent even avian vets, there are a few avian vets in a college town an hour away from me. There used to be a breeder in a town called Hope, AR I beleive when I was searchig a few years back but I have been unable to locate them online or any info on them. Pretty much all sites I pull up online are scammers and nothing is located in AR. I will check with the avian vets in that college town to see where I get with them. I recently lost my 2 parakeets due to old age and really miss them.


When you do get the Grey, are you going to travel the one hour to the avian vet?

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Our avian vet is an hour away...that frightens me, but it is our only choice. I think there are only a couple in the state, so it's what we have to do.


We were very fortunate that we were able to visit with our baby as often as we could. It made for a very smooth transition home.

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