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Sam made me so happy yesterday. He sits with my husband every evening for head scratches and love. This was the first time he let me join in. He didn't even attempt to get away. He just sat there, enjoying it.

I was so happy!

He's coming along, slowly, but surely.


Karen and Sam

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Congratulations! That's wonderful news!! :)


And, forgive me, please, I'd like to share an illustration here with you since it suddenly popped into the front of my mind after reading your post. (I'm a PT and came across this concept once in one of the fitness forums I used to frequent--obviously it made an impression! But I think it can be applied here, too.)


Sometimes when people want to lose weight/change their physique, they are gung-ho when they start their new diet plan and/or exercise program. But so often when they look in the mirror in the mornings, not much seems to have changed from the day before. It can be discouraging! So someone brought out that such a scenario can be compared to a big roll of paper towels. Each day you rip off one sheet. At first, it's like--so what? There is no apparent change to the roll. But each day, little by little, the sheets come off of the roll. And suddenly, a few weeks later, you look at the roll of paper towels and it's half the size it used to be! So even though things seem so insignificant sometimes, whether they be paper towel sheets ripped off, unwanted pounds of bodyfat shed, or the actions belying the tentative new trust of an animal friend :) over time they really add up to big steps forward. And I'm just so happy to hear that you and Sam have taken one big step forward together. :D

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This is such good news, thanks for sharing with us. I think it is fabulous progress with a rehomed bird for such a short time in your home that he is accepting your closeness and scratches. These moments are worth waiting and continue to get better and better. Congratulations to you on being accepted into his flock. Awesome progress.

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