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my little girl

Life is Greyt

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I so agree with what brianlinkles says, as I am also very new to this species, really my first bigger bird, and was just curious....good luck with your new baby, I know I can't wait to get Buckeye home.

Like you going to see him is the higlight of my week......

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on another note-I have no idea why the pics I uploaded are so huge...I used photobucket but apparently I didn't do it correctly. SO, until I get it figured out you guys get monster baby pics!! :) But at least she is a cutie!!


Go back to Photobucket and click on Upload.. Another screen will open . Look under the white area and in small letters you'll see


Customize your upload options --------------click it and This will pop up







1024x768 (recommended)



Click on anyone you like---Voila!! Resizing is done. In the future all pics that are put there will be that size until you go back and click on another one that you like


PS---320x240------640x480------800x600 seem to be popular sizes used on PCs

Edited by Dave007
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My baby comes home just before Christmas as well, so I agree it is the best holiday gift! I originally planned to visit her a few times a week, but I go every day--sometimes twice (once on my lunch hour and once after I finish teaching. Im also trying to resisit the "worrywort" in me. I keep telling myself that love, respect, education, and an open mind will be my best tools. Worry can be the enemy of progress. I'm jealous that your baby lets you cuddle her. My Gracie is Miss Independent. I'm lucky that she lets me handle her for a few minutes before she is off to explore something or attack a toy. She is flighted now, so when she decides she has had enough of me--whoosh...off she goes!

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Breeder says that my little one is probable due to fly soon...maybe a week or two. I hope I get to see it. That's awesome that you get to go every day! I would probably too if I could. :) She will be so comfortable with you by the time she goes home. I was SO shocked when my little one cuddled...she just hopped out of the basket and onto my lap and nudged up into my arm. It was too cute. My little one is quite opinionated though, don't let her innocent pics fool you. :) Whenever I tell her no or try to redirect her away from something I don't want her to be doing she definitely lets me know that she doens't approve! She's even cute in her disapproval though. I'm pretty sure I think everything she does is cute though.

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Again, just curious, if your birds are flighted already I'm wondering why you are waiting so long to bring them home. It seems like a long time to wait until you bring them home. Once they are fighted they are usually pretty close to being weaned. I know that it is a struggle to still feed formula to Dorothy. She will be 15 weeks tomorrow. I plan on formula feeding her as long as I can however she is really making it more and more difficult. I am just curious, I understand that many of you do not want an unweaned baby and I know this is a very personal decision. I love the philosophy of both my breeder as well as the Hartman Aviary at Parrot University in Columbus. They are not my breeder but both share simulair opinions. (this is why I brought Dorothy home unweaned) This said, I know it is very personal & not for everyone. However I can hear how excited both of you are and know you are counting the days to bring home your babies! Just curious!

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People bring their greys home at various times and breeders and potential parronts have different views about this. I feel most comfortable with the idea that my grey will be fully abundance weaned before it comes home. My breeder is of the view that 4 to 5 months of handfeeding (gradually reduced in frequency) gives the grey time to fully wean. My grey is 12 weeks old and still happily accepts 2 handfeeds a day in addition to pellets and fresh veggies. In time she will resist this and prefer to only eat food on her own. I may be taking my grey home a little later than most, but as a new bird owner I want to allow the breeder to do all the formula feeding before I take her home. It sounds like you are basically doing the same thing that my breeder is doing, but feel confident to do it yourself. Your baby is getting great attention and I'm a bit jealous you are getting to enjoy her at home through the weaning process. I just didn't feel quite ready to take on that responsibility.

Edited by JeffNOK
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I have to admit that I am totally jealous of all the time and bonding that you get with Dorothy!!! It must be an incredible experience. As I have said before, you have my respect cause there's no way I would have had the nerve to bring home an unweaned baby. I'm very happy that it has worked out for you and Dorothy though. Unfortunately, with my current schedule, I knew there was no way I would have the time to devote to an unweaned baby, besides the fact that the idea scares the s**t out of me. I currently work 2 jobs, and, on the days where I work both, am barely at home. I know that must sound horrible, like I will never be home when she does come home, but I plan on quitting the 2nd job in Jan/Feb. My boyfriend is home a lot more than I am, but this will be his first bird ever, so there's no way I could have put the responsibility of something like that on him. My little one was born 8/17, so she's a little behind both of your babies. The breeder says she is probably close to flying, but not flying yet. The babies are down to 1-2 hand feedings a day-1 in the morning, and the 2nd at night if they ask for it. Otherwise, they eat their Roudybush and veggies. AND, we had big news today!!! I officially have a GIRL!!!! :) I really have to get to figuring out that little cutie's name now!!!

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I totally understand and again I have to say I am a worrier, I worry when she won't eat as much formula as I think she should, I worry when she eats too much. So yes I can understand being nervous to formula feed. Your little girl is about a month exactly behind Dorothy so yes she probably will be eating formula for at least another month. In fact Dorothy is still on two feedings a day. I feed her from a paper cup, bent to fit in her mouth. My breeder does this as it is slower, they taste the food and there is less chance I feel that I can foul it up! LOL! It is just MESSY!!! I weaned my daughters linnie and I have to say small birds are much, much easier. Dorothy is so messy, I have figured out that I can tear a little hole in a couple of paper towels,slip it over her head and she uses it like a bib. Not that it helps too much but a little. She has become quite tolerant of my "ocd" while I wet a very soft toothbrush and try to get the formula out of her feathers. I was going to get Dorothy's wings trimmed a little today thinking that it would help her in her feeding. Sometimes I am catching her while she takes off with formula flying. Today she was trying to figure out if she could fly while wearing the bib (she decided that wasn't a good idea) However I sat cuddling her wrapped in a little blanket after her feeding this morning and I felt so guilty I couldn't do it to her. I think I will eventually as I think it will help a little with the training however I do have such mixed feelings about it!

Ok, so we know now that you have a little girl! Name??? It's so funny, because I had a boys name picked out imediatley but a girl name required two full sheets of notebook paper! I look forward to hearing what you come up with! It is funny that we all ended up with girls. Jeffnok, did I miss what name you are going to name your baby?

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jeffnok-I didn't care either...really just wanted to know for medical and naming purposes. But now that I know for sure...gotta get that little girl named!! I was thinking of maddy (or maddie)...any thoughts???


brianlinkles-Your bib idea is too funny!!! I think we would all love to see a pic of her with her bib on!! :) You had some prior experience at least with hand feeding...I am a total newbie to it all. I think trimming causes mixed feelings for many on here, not just you. I think am going to go with what my breeder recommended-we will keep her clipped when she is young and then once she is an adult I will most likely let her be flighted. Breeder says it makes for a much happier bird if they have the choice to do as they please, but feels that when they are younger it's better to keep them clipped. I know it's a touchy subject, but that's what we've decided to go with, for now. Things could always change, as I don't even have her home yet. I know I am always saying "my breeder says this and my breeder says that," but she is my go to source for info, besides here of course. :) I was thinking of maddy...my boyfriend suggested that name a few months ago, when we were involved with getting a different bird, and I was just kinda lukewarm about it. Now it seems to be slowly creeping in as a possibility. The last grey was a boy and I was the same way with him...I named him after meeting him once. His name was buttons. This little girl is a little trickier though...but I will get her figured out yet :)

Edited by Life is Greyt
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I will try and get a picture of her tomorrow with her bib. I should then try and get a pic after she is covered in formula! I did have experience with our little linnie however we are also relatively new to birds (about 6 mos.) I do understand though, I am a stay at home mom so I am able to do the feedings. I guess part of me was just concerned that at 15 weeks Dorothy was starting to wean herself and your baby was coming home so much later and was going to be fed formula for so much longer. I guess I was wondering if Dorothy was starting to wean too early. However I feel better that it sounds like your little girl as well as jeffnoks are all doing similar things at similar times as Dorothy. I hope I learn to calm down and just relax! I do go with my breeders recommendations as well so I totally understand! My breeder also feels that young birds should fledge (so important with clumsy greys) and then they should be clipped. They also agree that it makes training the young birds much easier! I just guess I was cuddling with Dorothy this morning and I felt guilty. However after ducking and chasing her around tonight I think my husband and I are going to take her on Saturday to get a small clip. All of my breeders birds are flighted, they are trained so well, it is amazing! I would love to eventually do that as well! It is awesome to see her fly, she is getting a little better at it! Today I was at the island in the kitchen getting her formua together, she flew off her tree to me, tried to land on the island but slid off the slippery surface. I picked her up off the ground but was excited that she wanted to come check things out! She looked a little embarrassed! Pink in her face! (I know I humanize her a bit too much LOL!) I do love however how the greys kind of blush, it's very cute!

I love the name Maddy/Maddie! I'm Danish and the name Maren is a Danish name, I like that as well. ( I could go on and on with all the girl names that I liked but didn't fly with the rest of the family!)

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I think Maddie is really growing on me, and her, the more I think about it. Have to wait and see what the boyfriend says when he gets home. :) I think I like the -ie spelling better than a -y. And then when I want to disapprove of something I can call her Madeline...like when your mom used your whole name when you were little and in trouble...lol :) I just think it is too wonderful that you get to share all those moments, formula covered and all, with Dorothy. Sounds like to me your little girl is off to a great start.

Edited by Life is Greyt
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Well, went to see the little one yesterday and there's great news!!! She says that my little girl...still unnamed :(...should be ready to come home in the BEGINNING of December!!! JeffNOK you gotta put up a pic of your little Gracie if you have one. :) I talked with my boyfriend about the name Maddie, and, it turns out, even though he suggested it a while back, he's not a fan of that name for her...so the name search continues.

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In post #2, look at how far her neck will stretch, she has a little "Go-Go-Gadget" thing going on there. She is just the cutest little thing. You are in for the journey of a lifetime with your new baby. Congratulations.

Edited by katana600
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Wingy-Lilly is cute...I have never had such a hard time naming a new animal in my life, but I guess that just shows that she's extra special. :)


katana600-Thanks!! I am super excited and nervous!! :) She does have a go go gadget neck there!! Too funny! She wanted to check out his hat so badly-it was too cute. She also does the same thing when shown cell phones...it becomes her mission in life to reach it. Breeder says she can probably come home in the beginning of December, and it can't come soon enough.

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Ok, Life is Greyt. I totally understand your problem naming your baby. If you are anything like me it is making you crazy! Here are the names that I wrote down (two pages worth) Maybe it will help, maybe not???


Gidget, Poe, Prinn, Macy (Grey), Lark, Fynn,Marley, Astrid (means divine stregnth), Saffi (means wise), Dagny, Elva, Effie (means wellspoken), Agatha (means good), Inga, Fiona, Mavis, Frida, Pheobe, Toby, Teagan, Duncan, Harper, Mica, Scarlett Ohara, Esmeralda, Dahlia, Pernilla, Pila,r Pheobe, Peyton, Dagmar (Danish, pronounced "Dowma"), Athena, Ophelia, Peabody, Hester, Brinkley, Twila, Sadie, Ertha, Esther, Flora, Ezra, Esther, Flora , Aliah (hebrew means ascend)Maisie, Daisy, Paz (means peace), Clarice, Opal, Myrtle, Beatrice.

Ok, now you know how nuts this whole naming thing made me. These are just the ones that made the first cut!LOL

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