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To Shanlung - How to do Free Flight Outside


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Amazingly, I am still a recognised member here.

I was not too sure of that when I logged in again.


But since I am here, folks might find this 2 to be interesting.


To Shanlung - How to do Free Flight Outside


And with a certain school encouraging the use of unweaned birdies to train for free flight outdoor, I sure hate to rain on that parade, such as what I wrote below



What prompted me to write mentality of grey // Imprinting of birds// A fairy in my life



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First, Shanlung, I've missed your voice! I doubt that I speak only for myself when I say that I hope you will always be welcome here.


Second, I always find your writing interesting & I hope you'll indulge my need to make sure everyone reads at least this part of the the second link you posted. If there could only be one basic rule for happy parrothood, I think this sums it up so incredibly...


"CAGs are just so painfully intelligent that their personalities will never be the same.

What I did with Tinkerbell will not be what I did with Riamfada and vice versa.


I do not mold them into what I want. I mold myself to what they are, and teaching them what is acceptable and not acceptable.


When I was wrong, I accepted their chastisements on me in the same way they accepted my chastisements.

Training is a two way road.


All those I knew, be they dog or cat or horse family, told me without exception that the CAG was head and shoulders above them all.


I met trainers of dolphins, of great apes, of killer whales, and who happened to have CAGs. It is humbling to hear from them that they felt CAGs showed far greater intelligence than the other sentients that they trained with.



Give them love, respect, courtesy and dignity due to intelligent sentients equal to yourself.


You get that all back, together with the magic that only they can add.


You understand better why your best chance to succeed is to be friends with them and never as the alpha notwithstanding what the bulk of others might want you to think.


With CAGs of that level of intelligence that surpassed the major recognised intelligent sentients such as great apes, dolphins and killer whales, how ludicrous it is to think one is above them and we are to impose our wills on them."


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Yes, Shanlung !!!! You are truely missed. After finding this forum, reading your journal entries (along w/ tears & amazement of your findings) I have grown & use alot of your techniques w/ my re-homed CAG.


You have not only inspired me but reinforced my basic beliefs with all God's creatures. Since I was a little girl, I have been blessed w/ an insight and a connection to their beautiful souls !! I really never realized this but felt compelled back in my thirties to let go & experince this gift knowing that I associated with nature more than humans !! Always had lots of critters around me (living on a farm, vet surgical ass't. for 20 yrs.).


Until this nasty, screaming, biting, growling CAG came to me..... I read of your adventures, & used my gut instinct, that i realized: I give them respect, recognize the level of their intelligence, ask myself what do they need & want, show them where my borders are, that they truely are able to begin to create their magic !!!


Throwing out the alpha factor my vet & husband use.... I have experienced an exchange of intelligence, love, and bond that surpasses any previous connection. Thanks to you, Shanlung !!!! Please don't stop sharing !!!


You are my mentor and I have learned life's lessons....

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I really do not know what to say.


I have good friends here that I do missed. And it seems at least a new friend in Gwen that found value in what I have written.


I paid a price, a very heavy price in doing what I have done, first with Tinkerbell and then Riamfada. When you open up your heart and soul to them. Which they knew, and gave back in kind to me and more. Without which we would not have done the things that we did.


I did not dwell on the pain of farewells with them. But those who read of my happiness with them should be able to know. And it took months for those kind of pain to subside to bearable levels.


So when a drama queen came along and wanted to tango with me, my mental frame was such that I did not care to tango. What for? When what I wanted was to max my happiness and min any aggro as I tried to let the scars in my heart scab over as best as possible after Riamfada.


I got another birdie to join my life as part of that healing process. You all know I just could not get a grey. In fact, Riamfada was not sought. She came suddenly into my life as you all know.


He was Libai, a Greater Greenleaf bird. A wild caught, about 3 years old and supposedly only a song bird. But he was not told that. And became my companion as I treated him the way I know, with respect courtesy and dignity due to another intelligent sentient









Obviously, what Tinkerbell and Riamfada taught me went into all that you seen above and more. Libai graduated from his flight room as obvious from those photos above. He graduated to the entire apartment when he stepped up and flew to me on recall in that flight room.


And obviously, even though I wrote of Libai, so much of my writings evoked lessons from Tinkerbell. Which was why I felt so uncomfortable when my request to continue on in that old Tinkerbell thread was turned down.


Other forums that welcomed me to talk of anything and everything got Libai and more in real time as when it happened.


Those interest in above can follow from the start in




Perhaps as an Easterner and a Taoist, I saw too much into the interconnections of life. And for that, I cannot focus onto a single subject. You have seen that in my past writings, or even those at start of this thread. A few very different subject matters might crop up. I do not know as to what I am writing until I finished. But I know it is hardly just on one matter. Which was why I never considered offers publishers made to me to write. As I know I write on what is in my heart and which might be objectionable to other vested interests.


Since I know my mindset is so different from most others with birds, i tried to walk a narrow path away to minimise even inadvertent conflicts. And to restraint myself only to just one thread if possibile so those who want to avoid me and easily avoid me rather than I writing onto several threads.


And if conflicts with anyone want to intrude onto me, I will walk away. As I felt I had to do with another dysfunctional drama queen in yet another forum.

A funny thing happened on the way to the forum // Building trust & understanding with Oberon



In the process of just writing on Libai, I have questions that I tried to answer in full, such as on clicker training. Which needless to say, drew almost entire from Tinkerbell. So you can see how ludicrous it was to say I was to stop talking of Libai in Tinkerbell thread when events had been so interconnected.


Read that here

To Shanlung-Charlie and clicker training


Charlie and clicker training - beyond touch target //LiBai on finger and in slow motion videos


Since above is on clicker training, i guess this will be an appropriate place for above.


So you can see how impossible it was. Was I to break my thread on Libai to suddenly go back into Tinkerbell thread when I talked of Tinkerbell? And then break Tinkerbell thread when I go back to Libai?


Was I to write my Livejournal specifically for one or the other? when what I learned just interplayed and formed new connections?


You will also find that old Tinkerbell thread here coming to life. I visited her in June/July 2001 in my Tinkerbell Summer2011. So those who loved Tinkerbell should go and follow her there in the grey lounge.

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I really do not know what to say.


I have good friends here that I do missed. And it seems at least a new friend in Gwen that found value in what I have written.


I paid a price, a very heavy price in doing what I have done, first with Tinkerbell and then Riamfada. When you open up your heart and soul to them. Which they knew, and gave back in kind to me and more. Without which we would not have done the things that we did.


I did not dwell on the pain of farewells with them. But those who read of my happiness with them should be able to know. And it took months for those kind of pain to subside to bearable levels.


So when a drama queen came along and wanted to tango with me, my mental frame was such that I did not care to tango. What for? When what I wanted was to max my happiness and min any aggro as I tried to let the scars in my heart scab over as best as possible after Riamfada.


I got another birdie to join my life as part of that healing process. You all know I just could not get a grey. In fact, Riamfada was not sought. She came suddenly into my life as you all know.


He was Libai, a Greater Greenleaf bird. A wild caught, about 3 years old and supposedly only a song bird. But he was not told that. And became my companion as I treated him the way I know, with respect courtesy and dignity due to another intelligent sentient









Obviously, what Tinkerbell and Riamfada taught me went into all that you seen above and more. Libai graduated from his flight room as obvious from those photos above. He graduated to the entire apartment when he stepped up and flew to me on recall in that flight room.


And obviously, even though I wrote of Libai, so much of my writings evoked lessons from Tinkerbell. Which was why I felt so uncomfortable when my request to continue on in that old Tinkerbell thread was turned down.


Other forums that welcomed me to talk of anything and everything got Libai and more in real time as when it happened.


Those interest in above can follow from the start in




Perhaps as an Easterner and a Taoist, I saw too much into the interconnections of life. And for that, I cannot focus onto a single subject. You have seen that in my past writings, or even those at start of this thread. A few very different subject matters might crop up. I do not know as to what I am writing until I finished. But I know it is hardly just on one matter. Which was why I never considered offers publishers made to me to write. As I know I write on what is in my heart and which might be objectionable to other vested interests.


Since I know my mindset is so different from most others with birds, i tried to walk a narrow path away to minimise even inadvertent conflicts. And to restraint myself only to just one thread if possibile so those who want to avoid me and easily avoid me rather than I writing onto several threads.


And if conflicts with anyone want to intrude onto me, I will walk away. As I felt I had to do with another dysfunctional drama queen in yet another forum.

A funny thing happened on the way to the forum // Building trust & understanding with Oberon



In the process of just writing on Libai, I have questions that I tried to answer in full, such as on clicker training. Which needless to say, drew almost entire from Tinkerbell. So you can see how ludicrous it was to say I was to stop talking of Libai in Tinkerbell thread when events had been so interconnected.


Read that here

To Shanlung-Charlie and clicker training


Charlie and clicker training - beyond touch target //LiBai on finger and in slow motion videos


Since above is on clicker training, i guess this will be an appropriate place for above.


So you can see how impossible it was. Was I to break my thread on Libai to suddenly go back into Tinkerbell thread when I talked of Tinkerbell? And then break Tinkerbell thread when I go back to Libai?


Was I to write my Livejournal specifically for one or the other? when what I learned just interplayed and formed new connections?


You will also find that old Tinkerbell thread here coming to life. I visited her in June/July 2001 in my Tinkerbell Summer2011. So those who loved Tinkerbell should go and follow her there in the grey lounge.


so good to know you find time in your busy schedule to keep us informed of your beautiful life

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Dear Shanlung,


I cannot understand how anyone who has read your writings would questions your love and understanding for your animal friends. What happened with Sieben and Oberon was completely logical and justified in my eyes. I have seen a mother cat scold her kitten much more harshly! I was lucky that my previous parrot taught my cat as a kitten not to mess with birds and neither was seriously harmed from the encounter. Jolly took away one of Maxine's lives that day. Hahaha. I can joke now, but it was very scary at the time. It was an accident which I learned from also.


When my horse was a young colt he bit me. I kicked him and yelled quit! I could not hurt him with my little leg as another horse would have. It was a dangerous thing he did and it deserved a serious reaction. I combined the horse reaction with the human reaction so that the next time he tried it I just had to yell. He does not bite now, and when he sees me he runs from his pasturemates to greet me. He knows I do my best to listen to him too.


How does a mother teach her infant not to bite her breast? I did what my instinct told me and put my baby's fingers in my mouth. He made the connection and stopped biting and neither of us were injured further. No tears were shed.


When Kito was a baby and trying her beak on me if she got too rough I told her to be gentle. If she was too rough again I used my voice just enough to tell her I disapproved and turned my back to her for a few seconds. That was the proper reaction. She is 2 now and we still play the bitey game and she is always gentle and we both enjoy it very much.


This is the only pet forum that I visit. I hope that you are always treated with respect here. It would be a great loss indeed if you stopped posting.

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Thank you.




Try to accept we live in the real world and not in the imaginary ideal world.

More strange things happen in the real world.


And where drama queens are concerned, logic and understanding do not play any part in their mind when they want to stand on a soapbox to declare to the world at large whatever they want to declare.


I did not help very much as I write very raw. On stuff that happened, without thinking too much of people who might read. I wrote what happened, I do not write for audience. In that particular episode, I got many letters in private that they would not have dared to write that they smacked their doggie/kittie. If you read on, you knew peace was made with Sieben, and he is on the road to living with any birdie in my life the way you seen of all my kitties.


Oberon - Plans are like wishes // Turning Sieben into a lap cat // I Should be sadistic to Ivan?



Mirror mirror on the wall // Oberon - His future // Kitties Sieben & Ivan



Just as before in talks of nutrition, a well knowned USA breeder of greys and Amazons wrote privately to me about 8 years ago he felt his success in breeding came from feeding them with advocados. He told me he dared not even breath of that in public as folks would drop a ton of bricks in him for his cruelty. And wild horses will not drag his name from me.


I also do take stand, and sometimes on controversial issues.


Such as recently on the campaign to totally ban wild caughts. Just last night I was going through a very depressing list of birds that went extinct and going extinct. The vast bulk of those extinction did not come from captures for pet trade. The ivory billed woodpecker and so many others that are extinct were never captured for pet trade.The vast bulk came destruction of their habitat, from the introduction of other beasties into their environment. From capture for food such as passenger pigeons and great auks.


Extinction came from us. Kneejerk response did probably more harm then good.


Read this. Would you have done differently from what I have done? And removed the plastic bags from the heads of those sunflower plants?

If so , you are a much better person than I am.


Bird born in captivity & 353 heads // Meet Jackie



Which continued on to


Wild caughts // Jackie and Jackie Mash // plug for Formosan Blue Magpies





Edited by shanlung
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Shanlung thank you for the very thought provoking reading. Especially the exerpt below:

What if I was a poor African farmer and I need my crops to feed myself and my family which are being eaten by African greys? In the past where perhaps I could sell the greys I caught , I might let them live to be caught. And if I can no longer do that since wild caughts are all banned, I probably be compelled to kill the greys to save my crops and eat them.


And sell the heads.


And please do not blame the African farmers. We want coffee and more coffee. So more forest are cut to grow coffee beans. Or we want beef or pork or chicken. And another part of the forest got cut to turn into grass land or to grow soy beans for the cattle or pigs or chicken. We poisoned our Earth with CO2 causing drought or flood and more forest had to be cut for them to grow their crops.


One need not even be a poor African farmer.


One can be a rich Australian farmer. Where 95% of the original forest and grassland of Australia are now taken over from the local flora and fauna and turned into fruit plantations, sugar cane plantations, grassland for sheeps and suburbs and houses and roads and playgrounds.


No trapping of wild birds are allowed in Australia.

But can the remaining fragmented 5% of the original land support all the wild beasties and birdies?

But if the lorikeets and cockatoos from Major Mitchells to Galahs to Blacks to Ganggangs to Sulphur Cresteds are caught eating the fruits of your fruit trees, you can shoot and kill them all.


They need only to bury the bodies quietly in the field somewhere.

I guess they just cannot sell the heads.


Or the lorikeets and other birds can starve to death as can be read in this article.


Rainbow lorikeets are becoming less common on the Gold Coast, as development takes away their habitat and food sources.


I do want wild birds and parrots to live, to truly live in the wild.


I do not believe a total ban on selling of wild birds will help them to live.


Only if their value can be recognised and accepted as a sustained resource to be treasured by the people living with the wild birds that only then the birds can continue to live in the wild.


For that to happen, there must be market for wild caught birds, caught and sold in a sustained way that they can continue to live in the wild.


But an unholy alliance of breeders stopped that. So they can sell their captive breds without the market being upset by wild caughts. And they created a movement to totally ban wild caughts as if they have a true interest in protecting the parrots in the wild. People who meant well, which included me in the past, jumped on and joined them all in declaring wild caughts are immoral and must be totally stopped.


Joining those NO WILD CAUGHTS campaign will make you feel good inside.

Will that do any good for the wild birds to be caught for the pot or just shot and buried in an unmarked hole in the fields of Australia farmland or fruit plantations?


While those breeders laughed all the way to their banks. Do think about that the next time you are asked to support a cause against wild caughts. And asked to give them money so that they can continue lobbying against wild caughts.

I have supported the cause against wild caught birds in my heart, oh how I miss my blinders and rose colored glasses.

Edited by Malikah
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  • 1 month later...
you have volumes of writings so i guess i missed the part of something happening to tinkerbell? i did read you lost her twice and recovered her twice but then did you lose her again?


I wrote of having lost my grey 3 times.


Twice was Tinkerbell as you have read. The last was at BanTienYen at end 2007


Read what happened in Bantienyen

in 2007/2008



Tinkerbell at BanTienYen


The Agony



Tinkerbell - Rescue at Bantienyen



Tinkerbell - Bantienyen In Retrospect



Once was Riamfada. Which should not have happened with hindsight.

But you agree hindsight is useless together with the 'ifs' and the 'buts'.


Beware that Murphy is always around. If not him himself, his minions are everywhere.



Jebel Akhbar with Kat //Seifa Al Sheik - the Great Escape and recovery



Replies & thoughts of Seifa Great Escape // Cyrus Oriole // An iftar meal




Mash Batch 6 // Flying in Shangrila Muscat // Seifa Al Sheikh Revisited


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