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adopted two greys


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Hi, I adopted two breeder greys from the Humane Society in a neighboring town. They came with their cage and a nesting box. The male tries to attack me when I come near the cage but the female sits and listens to me. I try to frequently go in and talk to them. (oh, I should tell you I have a busy household of day/night care,so they are in my bedroom)

They were making mating sounds and spend a lot of time in the nesting box but I don't know if that's their normal way or not.

All I know about them is that they were living with either an elderly couple or elderly lady who had to go into the nursing home. One day, the male was saying "who's a pretty boy? where's my pretty boy, your my favorite boy(in an elderly ladies voice) and then he made siren sounds..........just about made me cry, I felt like I was hearing a part of the owners life.

I don't think they have anything besides seeds as they throw all the vegetables and pellets on the floor.

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How wonderful that you brought these breeding greys into your home. :)


If they are a breeding pair, they will not be interested in developing a relationship with humans at all for the most part. They of course can and will still learn words if they wish.


I would be great to see photos and hear more about them as time progresses. :)

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oh they talk , the male talks the most...........today I was chastising one of the daycare children for hitting another child and the male called from the bedroom and said, over and over, what'd he do? what'd he do? Yep, I forgot all about being upset with the child because I was laughing so hard at the bird! My Timneh's only talk when we are in another room, the greys talk all the time whether we are in the room or out and always say hi when I walk in the room or late at night when I turn on my light and awaken them one of them tries to shoot me with the ray gun sound! To funny!

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