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Would like your opinion regarding which CAG I should bring home.

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Hello everyone. I am currently looking to add a CAG to my flock. I am currently owend by a BH Caique. I have located a CAG that is 3 years old. My dilema is I was also put in contact with a breeder who has a CAG that is 6 months old. The reason for the dilema is the older cag is 45 min away from me and the younger one is almost 3 hrs away. I already have a cage, toys, nice manzita perches, and have a wealth of knowledge regarding greys. I need to make a decision quick. Any suggestions that you have will be very helpful. I will be bringing my Caique to my bedroom while the CAG is under quarantine. It will be placed in my guest bedroom for the first 30 days.

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Hi Jazzifaye only you can decide which grey to get. Which do you want, a 6 month old grey or a 3 year old grey. The older grey if it is a talker will already have some language skills. Not all greys are talkers, so you will have to wait to see of the younger grey is a talker. As for personality, only spending some time with a grey will can give you idea how your grey will react to you.

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I don't know much about babies because I'm for re-homing. I know it's not for everyone. But if you're someone who has the personality to work w/a bird who needs a new home, the rewards are great & there are just so many in serious need.


This bird isn't far from you & wouldn't be hard to visit. Who knows if you'll have an immediate reaction, good or bad that may make the decision for you. But either way, I think it would be a very good place to start.

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I recently re-homed a 3 year old CAG and purchased a baby CAG all in about a months time...I just thought I would tell you some differences I had between the two

My 3 year old has his ways/habbits and that hard thing about that is that I don't know all of them. He steps up and down when asked. He doesn't eat veggies or mash well at all, only pellets. He will bite, hard! He talks and makes noises already. He is also very agile with climbing on the cage and playstand, gets around wonderfully!

My baby is still impressionable, he is still learning. Does not know what step up or down means, I have to still teach him that, and I have never owned a parrot before, so this has been a learning experience for me too. He does eat his mash and things very well, but my breeder warned and explained how to watch his poop to make sure he is getting enough to eat and sent me home formula in case I felt he needed it ( and that is kinda scary for someone who has never done it before, I think) He will explore with his beak, but it doesn't hurt. He is still clumbsy, has falled form his perches and I worry about him getting hurt.


I love both my birds and wouldn't give them up for anything, but each has an up/down side...


I wish you lots of luck in your choice, and enjoy whichever one you end up with!

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Meet the closest one and you will know if there is a connection, if not go meet the baby. I think it is great if these guys have a little input on deciding who they want to live with. I currently live with 4 Greys who came to me for various reasons all are older birds and each is unique. Pookie CAG is a nervous neck plucker she is 24 years old and selected me ,before I adopted her she plucked her belly and under wings as well so I feel like our relationship has made a difference for her. Whisper is a big silver CAG of unknown age I believe she may be youngish from her behavior. Smartee is a foundling of unknown age and one of the smallest calmest TAG's I have ever met. Smokey Joe is a big CAG who is sharing our home for a while and he is around 2 years old full of himself and hands down has the largest vocab. but he is a bully with our other birds (so is the little Smartee Pants who can chase even our Elanora Cockatoo off the cage tops).

Edited by Greywings
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I am pretty new here and don't have a lot of experience but wanted to give my opinion. I got a CAG who was 15 months old several weeks ago and at the time I got him I had the option of 2 different ones. They were 6 years, and 15 months. It was a difficult decision. I was able to see both of them and I chose the 15 month old. There were several reasons for my decision. While both needed a good home the older one was quite a bit more expensive but she was very friendly, vocal and just plain cool. I really liked her but since I was looking for a companion bird who could travel with me and also go to work with me I decided to go with the younger one partially because the older one was plucking and already not dealing with stress, and since I needed a traveling bird I was not sure the older one would accept that. Both of these needed a new home and I couldn't take both of them.

I love Ozzy and am so glad to have him and he is already starting his traveling with me and seems to enjoy it.

It is a very difficult decision that only you can make. It really depends on what you are looking/planning for in your life with the bird. None of my information will apply if it is a home bird and that was just my reasoning and thoughts.

Older birds have certain things they want certain ways but they are still very trainable and 3 years old is still very young. Personally if it were me I would go see the 3 year old since it is in driving distance and see how it reacts with you, see how you feel with it. You might be totally smitten and it with you.

Good luck I can't wait to hear your stories.

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As others suggested, I would go visit the grey that i sonly 45 minutes away and see if you two are a match or not. You could do this on a weekday and just visiting is not a commitment on either parties part unless your both compfrtable with each other. The 3 hour trip will probably be a weekend trip.

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Keep us posted on your journey. I'm which ever one you choose will become a lifelong friend. I chose to get a baby grey because I am new to parrots and thought I'd do better with a young bird. If you have a lot of experience with birds, I'm sure either will be great!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update: I was on my way yesterday morning to pick up the 5 month old CAG. While being 40 minutes away the breeder called to say she had just sold it. I thought we had an agreement. I turned around and went home sad. Two hours later I spoke to the gentleman that had the CAG 45 minutes away. He still had him and wanted to know if I was still interested. After arriving and being excited he told me that his brother in law just called and has it sold already. He had a second CAG but she was mean like the with on the Wizard of Oz.

I went home somewhat disappointed. I told my ex-husband that I wasn't giving up and would stand on my faith. Got home from church and found a CAG on Craigslist that was posted while I was at church. Guess what??? I am on my way to drive and visit her. Her name is FAITH. She is about an hour and a half away. Will update you soon. :)

Edited by Jazzifaye
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wow that is amazing lol, I have been trying to get a CAG and had one on craigs list only to find him sold when I contacted the seller again after the add had been flagged for the upteenth time. Online all you find are scammers trying to get money with no bird in sight. I'm still looking to find my CAG after my recent loss of my 2 budgies due to old age :( hope all goes well for you Jazzifaye.

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Wow, thats so heartbreaking, I hope you do get the bird thats meant for you. I got Quinn from a breeder up north. She was very reputable. I picked by video, placed a deposit, signed contract and she sent me weekly pictures of him and his clutch mates. It was great. In fact my profile picture is him. He still has that stuffed animal. Keep praying, I will say one for you. Let me know!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know this sounds crazy, but.... I would find the time, to visit both birds. One weekend for one, another weekend for the other. I know it involves alot of time, but this is a commitment for many years of your life.

I have always believed, whether I adopted a pup or bird, they choose us. Sunny chose my son Ryan, Kiki chose Sean, Sophie chose me.( it was tough to get Sophie our grey. We were interviewed... several families applied to adopt her at age two.) When we went into the interview, I knew I was the least qualified. Had no grey experience. She came from a super home... very rich owner. I couldn't even focus on his questions, as Sophie was all over me. Was called back for a second interview... again, Sophie was all over me, couldn't focus on his questions. I felt very dissappointed. Felt I didn't interview well. We were picked. I asked him why? He laughed... said " it was never about selling Sophie. It was always about her picking whom she loved".

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What IS going on? Update on Sophie.... Ryan, who is off to college in North Carolina, is coming home for two weeks next Saturday. While I am Sophie's " rom", and we are best friends... she is also very bonded with Ryan, and misses him terribly! I am not telling her. It will be a surprise! He will be her Christmas gift! I am soooo excited for Sophie! Nancy

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