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I made another playstand...


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Elegua didn't like to hang out on her cage's playtop while we watched TV even though her cage is only in the next room (open between the rooms). But (naturally) if she was on the sofa with us, she would bite the curtains and poop on the leather...


So I basically replicated a coffee table along with a bit of a playstand.


Of course, she only likes to be on the highest level, so I have to modify it so there are some toys sticking UP. (As you can see if you look closely, she's playing with the tie-wrap holding the toy in place. Tie-wraps are preferable to the toys in almost every case...)


She'll still fly over to me every now and again, but mostly she's cool hanging out only four feet away...


The dogs get all excited when she's climbing on the lower levels...


As you can see, I ran out of vet wrap before finishing, but I haven't had a chance to get out of the house since.


I also need to purchase some casters as Kel doesn't want the playstand in the sunroom when Ellie's not on it...

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That is a way cool playland for Elegua. We put our playstand in little portable playpen for babies, with mesh sides. That was after one of the dogs ingested a sliver of wood from the shredded toys and got really sick. The playpen is on wheels and we can move it around and the bonus for us is that with a flightless bird, if he falls off a perch he has a safety net. It keeps the mess to a minimum and was only about thirty dollars on sale at Target. Your little girl is a joy and I love seeing all the things you make for her.

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Obviously, I like to tinker...


My wife claimed that I spoil Ellie and that I never put as much effort into making toys for the kids. I reminded her of the castle that I built in the back yard. By hand. Solo...



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The past couple of days, she's been more adventurous - climbing all over, including down to the tray/bottom. The dogs get extra freaked-out when she's walking around on the paper - at "their" level...


The next playstand is going to be all natural wood - as soon as I (carefully) identify the right trees near by. Oak would be easiest, but I don't want to take the bark off, so I'm going to have to print some ID pictures and go hiking in the woods...


(And, no, I don't think I'll build a castle for Ellie...)

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My thirteen-year-old daughter started to like the castle again when she realized that other kids in her social circle recognized it as a significant landmark. (It's visible from the road, but not prominantly so. It is in the back of a 1+ acre lot...) Now she's proud of it...


Now, online, she refers to herself as Princess Keira.


I'm not sure she NEEDED an ego boost...

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