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Alex and Einstien?


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I;m so sad that alex died. but also sad that he had a life in a laboratory for all those years. he was proabably stressed from being drilled 10 to 12 hours a day. where are any of his videos.? i only found 1 clip of him. and what kind of life did he really have?


and also Einstien the talking african grey that was on animal planet? where is he now? and who is his owner or laboratory? please help. my bird may not be as smart but he sure is loved and enjoys his life inside the cage and out!

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I don't think Alex was "drilled" everyday. He had constant attention and companionship which is more than many birds have. His mind was always being challenged, as well as given plenty of treats and love... As far as a "lab animals" goes, I think he was the best treated bird of all time!


Your bird is definitely as smart, he just probably hasn't been given a chance to break out of his shell. Remember, Alex was purchased from a pet store, just like many of our birds.


I challenge my bird everyday... I teach him news things and I give him a chance to respond. We owe it to our birds to give them constant attention and love.


Alex had a great life... I would be so proud if I was Irene!

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Guest briansmum

Alex was very loved, he was not drilled for hours a day, he was taught for an appropriate amount of time a day. you can't teach a grey for longer than they want to because they just stop paying attention. he was well looked after and one of the most stimulated, active cared for greys in the world. your grey IS that smart, they all are, you just aren't harnessing his intellegence. these birds have the capacity to learn, are you suggesting teaching them is cruel? i am sure many children would rather not be in school 8 hours a day, but do you consider them to be drilled? alex and his two companions have been very lucky to be part of irene pepperbergs studies, together they have taught us all so much about how wonderful these birds are.


and einstein lives at a zoo not a laboratory, where her keepers taught her what she knows and she LOVES the spotlight.

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I agree with what Beccy and Makena said. Alex was not treated like a lab rat. He didn't even stay at the lab all the time. I believe he would go home with lab staff over the weekend. He and the other Greys would/will get whatever they want and would have the staff running all over to get what the birds asked for...yes, asked for. I'm pretty sure Einstien is owned by a zoo, and yes the clip of him on Utube is an Animal Planet show.


Every bird should get training...should it be speech or tricks...it keeps them happy and healthy.

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I don't think anyone here is qualified to say exactly what Alex's life was like. The amount of time spent on him with his training and his interaction with Dr. Irene Pepperburg and her staff that cared for him. But one thing we do know, is this, he was very much loved and admired by them and the entire Grey World.


Yes, I have read many articles and seen many videos about Alex. Some do say he was trained for about 8 hours per day. I do think that is extreme. I have a hard time believing that was accurate. That kind of training does take a toll on them, and they really, like a child, don't have the attention span for it.

In his most recent video with Alan Alda, and Dr. Pepperburg, he to me, did look very tired and weary. But that could just be his look, and the time of day. Many factors to consider in his busy life.


We all have different opinions, but that's ALL they are, opinions, not facts.

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I would like to believe that he had a good life in the lab. I've seen the footage of how chimps where treated in labs when they were being used for product and medical testing and it made me sick...I refuse to imagine Alex in that kind of environment.

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Guest briansmum

indeed BMustee alex was used to study and likely benefitted from the programs he was involved in. he wasn't tested and prodded and poked.


talon is right no-one knows exactly what alex's lifestyle was like but I do not believe he was ever mistreated or "drilled". i've read stories about Alex having his off days and being difficult, just like all our greys are do, so I'd be willing to guess he only did he training when he wanted to :lol:

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Well, knowing greys that really isn't an option.:laugh:


I read a story about how when Alex would get questions wrong it was more like he ment to get it wrong JUST to be difficult. For example they would show him a Blue card and ask what color is was. He would say "Green, Red, Yellow, Purple, Orenge...", every color but Blue.

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I wrote this last night when Rambo add 3 thread on the same topic. He lefy after my post. I'm sorry if I was out of line, but that really got to me. I have moved

this post here because the other ones were removed.




Does the name Rambo mean your a tough guy????/

You have the right to write what you feel, but RAMBO you know NOTHING I MEAN NOTHING about the love for that bird on this forum. You should write about what you know, because you made it clear you know NOTHING about this subject.


JOE, Joe Joe

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danmcq wrote:

Yeah Joe, I noticed someone just deleted your post to...


It's called being censored and a removal of the freedom of speech. ;-) or else it was removed with the dupe??<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/09/13 21:16



Rambo started 3 threads each with the same topic and question. I deleted the First one that had NO replies, and the Second one had 1 reply from Joe. I copied it and pm'd it to him asking him to cut & paste it into the Third thread with the other replies. I then deleted the Second thread out. If you would like to see the pm I sent Joe, I'd be happy to pm it too you.


You should know me better, I don't censor, remove, or delete with out a pm notification. The only exception would be if it has offensive and abusive innuendo's. As Admin, I make no apology for deleting under those cicumstances.

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