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Well I made my first chop today woohoo. I can't seem to get mojo my cag to eat veggies in chunks or any other way so I made a batch of chop he has eat the veggie noodles out of it and some of the rest I guess it is a start. I will put it in his cage daily and hope after a while he takes to it he also has the TO pellets in his cage he will eat as last resort. I am crossing my fingers he starts to like the veggies.

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Congratulations, now the fun begins. lol Too bad he doesn't like the TOP pellets very much. I sprinkle the "dust" over new things some times.


You can try feeding it at different temperatures. Or try pouring some fruit juice over it. I got Phenix started by mixing it heavily w/apple sauce at first. Anything I want to introduce Kura to works best mixed in oatmeal. A little peanut butter or palm oil mixed into warm mash can be the bird equivalent of putting ketchup on everything. Some people think that's a good thing. :P


I don't know if you made a lot. But if you freeze it in small portions, you can get creative & not have to waste anything. Greyt start, though. He did eat some & he didn't even fling it at you. :)

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Congrats! I made my first batch of chop about a week ago. I had lots of veggie from my garden that I wanted to use so I didn't have to purchase too many. Mine was like the "autumn chop". My greys and zons are starting to pick at it more and more, but the parakeets devour it!

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