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The Prodigal Parrot (Sunny) - A Must Read Story


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The Prodigal Parrot (Sunny)

By Antonio Conde




This is about my African Grey (Sunny):


On Thursday morning 9/22/2011, I was cleaning out Sunny’s food bowl and I went out by my back yard to clean it. As I was entering back inside I slipped and fell down Sunny got startled and he flew outside. I called him but he did not respond and flew around the house three times landing on the roof top of my home. It seemed like he just wanted to leave and not come back. I called him several times but he did not respond but once again he looked at me and flew off that’s the last time I saw him at 8am. I told a few people this situation and that evening I went out with my family to post some flyers especially at the local pet stores. Since that day I was truly heart broken I lost something that I truly loved. God was showing me something in the mist of this situation. At that moment I had to let go and let God take care of this pain that I was having. I started to think of a saying “if you let go of something you Love and if it comes back that means that what you had is True Love”. Well everyday since the moment of the lost of Sunny I thought about him constantly and remembering the good moments I had with him. On Sunday 9/25/2011 at about 12 pm at work I get a phone call of an unknown number and I said to myself let me answer it because the call might be that someone found my Sunny. Sure enough the call was from a young lady saying that she believes she found my bird. This young lady’s name was Venus and she so happens to be an assistant to a Veterinarian clinic. What happened was that Sunny flew out of a tree onto a young man from a marching band during a festival in Woodbridge NJ. He was startled and Venus (the Angel of God) being that she handles birds like this told the young man not to panic and retrieved Sunny off his shoulder. The amazing thing is that she already had a kennel in the car. What chances are likely that to happen for anyone? The next day she went to the local Pet store and that’s where she saw the posting of Lost bird Sunny. She passed by my home and sure enough it was my African Grey (SUNNY). He was lost but now he is found. This story is just like that of the prodigal son that once was Lost but now is found. Do not lose Hope in any situation you are going through for God is always with you. Never lose Hope!


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