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conures and bells


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i have a peach front conure, athena, who just loves her bells. bells are her favorite toys! (when not playing with her bells, she loves to destroy paper and phone books) she sticks her head/beak in them, lets them rub her back, plays with them, etc. she rings one of them in particular, in an "excuse me, attention, please, over here" manner. i think she's got at least 12 bells in various toys/configurations in her cage. like i said, she just LOVES bells!


this past weekend we went to a renaissance festival and there was an act called "cast in bronze". its a traveling carillon and it was wonderful! my husband recorded the performance on his phone and down loaded it to the computer today. we played the video our the girls, thinking it'd be different for them. well, kallie our grey, listened for about 5 minutes then went about chatting and playing. but athena, stopped everything, sat on her perch, listening very intently, and made her sound of "wonderment" over and over for the whole 20 minutes of the video!!!


does any one else's conure love their bell(s) this much? sometimes i think athena must have been a bird living in a bell tower in a previous life, lol!! :D

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My little green cheek absolutely loves bells. He rubs all over his as well. Sometimes he wears it like a hat and he looks like a china man. He does ring it for attention and when he wants a piece of our food. He was my first parrot. My grey hates bells he pulls the bottom out so it makes no noise. They are particular about their bells. It's funny.

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