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Help with plucking


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Hello all, I haven't been on here for awhile and I'm trying to find out why my little Petrie is plucking the feathers around his neck. Everything is good according to the vet but he still keeps doing it and it's only the front side of his neck. He's out with me every night for at least 4-6 hours when I get home from work. He constantly wants to be with me and every toy I buy for him, he wants nothing to do with. There's a couple things that he'll play with for a few minutes and then he just goes back to wanting to sit with me and that's it. It just doesn't seem normal and wondering if anyone else has had this experience. My biggest thing is the plucking. He also hates getting wet but I end up having to mist him anyway and he gets through it without a big problem. Any advice ANYONE can give me with definitely be appreciated.


Thanks in advance all.



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Hi sorry to hear your having problems.

There is always a reason behind the plucking & it can be so frustrating for owners because you have to find out what is causing it, before you can start to fix the problem.Has there been anything that has changed in your greys life recently which may have started him to pluck ?The list is endless but a few possibilities are;

Frustration from long periods in his cage

Lack of mental & physical stimulation

Change of family circumstances/ environment

Incorrect periods of light/darkness

A poor diet, high in fatty foods

Attention seeking.

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Guest briansmum

hi Brian, i don't know much about the plucking, but has anything changed at home? new routine, new object in the room, new diet? as the slightest little thing can affect them in a big way


as for the toys have you tried playing with them? if he likes to sit with you maybe you could pick one up and start messing about with it, and if he comes to see what you've got pretend like he can't have it, greys are notorious for wanting what they can't have.


also, how old is he? if he is still young he will want to stay with you a while, their confidence growsd as they get older.

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Did the avain vet do blood work? You can't just look at a parrot and say there is no medical reason to pluck. They need to do gram stains and blood work.

Other then that try more baths, preening toys helps my quaker that plucks. Some people swear that adding aloe to their food and baths helps.

Good Luck

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thanks for the info. I plan on taking him to the vet again on Saturday but a different one this time. I couldn't get an appoinment this week so I have to do a walk in Saturday morning. I'll get there pretty early so I know I'll get in there first. This is the part I don't get either. He's sitting with me right now and I'm playing and talking with him and he's still tugging at his neck. I think part of the problem might be not enough time out of the cage and baths. I'm in the Air Force and I just got back from a deployment and I don't think my wife was doing everything with him she could of. She's got a Hahn's macaw that I'm sure she played with more while I was gone. I'm hoping since I'm back that more interaction with me and a bath a few times a week might help. Also he is only 10 1/2 months old right now. Could that have anything to do with anything? He will be 1 on the 24th of November.

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May well be he is missing his DAD, he maybe plucking for attention if your wife is spending more time with the macaw.He may be jealous.He may be stressed.He should be coming up for his first molt around 12 months,is he looking aa little scruffy ?

Get a second check at the vet just to make sure it's not a medical related problem.

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That's what I'm hoping for. I'm also noticing right now that's he's really been scratching around the neck a lot too. He keeps kicking around his neck like a dog does. Also his feathers do look a bit scruffy. They don't look like they should. They're a big ol' mess right now!

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Guest briansmum

it does seem to be one tiny specific patch, the pictures weren't as bad as i was expecting. if you can try and get a good look at his skin under there. you may have to towel him. just to check there is no irritation. i have heard of greys that persist at one bit if they have "bumped" it and it bruises.

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I once heard about this little tip, now i might be wrong but i figure it is worth a shot. If you can find 100% natural aloe, with no extra jusnk in it, then mix it to a certain amount of water, you can spray a bit on your bird. The aloe is very good for the skin and the feathers, and the birds dont like the taste which prevents them from plucking. and if they do eat it it wont hurt them, but all this maybe wrong somebody just let me know. thanks

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Everyone so far has posted all the really important things to try and do.


The only additional thing I can think of, is he is probably moulting too.


From what I can see in the frontal photo. It looks like there are a few pin feathers in the neck patch and also maybe one or two I can see in the tail and wing area.


Those could be spots he is having a little difficulty with and thus keeps focusing on them. Maybe if you do see a Pin feather(s), you could try and pull the sheath off that is covering it.


They will pick and pick or scratch until either the sheath comes off or as it becomes more irritated, they will finally just pull it out in frustration.

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I was looking for this very informative post by MrSpock covering bathing and Aloe juice. This may help you grey considerably also:


Quote - MrSpock:


"That's dryness. First, bathe the bird frequently making sure that those feathers get as wet as possible. It'll be difficult because those of a grey's feathers are waterproof. Then get some ALOE VERA JUICE ( not gel) and spray on feathers 2x a week. Comes in 1 gal containers. Can be purchased at Walmart or other large drug stores or health food stores. When you get a chance, buy some RED PALM OIl--1/2 teaspoon 2 x a week --mix into food, or bread or oatmeal or into pellets. Pellets absorb the oil. It's one of the best items for a bird's feathers. Health food stores sell it or you can purchase it online.

Your TAG is one of those who's tail feathers will get to a lighter marroon color. Some go in the opposite direction. Also,it's molting season and they could be close to falling out. They won't fall out at the same time though. Most feathers look drab, blotchy and dull when molting season is around the corner."

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Thanks everyone for your advice and I'll let you know what I try and what happens. The one thing I am noticing is that when I do see him pulling on his neck it's always the down he's ripping out and not the actual feather. I've never seen him actually pull a feather out and I haven't really seen any laying around his cage. I think at most, one or two I've found but it's mostly the down I see him ripping at.

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Hi BBlack19,


Thanks for the additional info on what he is plucking. My grey Dayo plucks his baby down sporadically also. This has slowed down though, now the it is pretty much gone.


We'll look forward to hearing more from you on what you tried and what worked or didn't. :-)

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