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Zon getting choked?


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This morning after her breakfast, I noticed my 3 1/2 yr old sitting on top of her cage making a funny noise. She is very vocal, and I was trying to decide if this was a new noise or something else. She would open her beak and breathe almost like her nose was stopped up or something. The more I listened to this, I became very concerned. It was like she had something stuck in her throat. I tried to get her to drink water, that was a no go, then took her to the shower where she loves to bathe and always drinks some of the water. When we were finished she was fine and have watched her closely all afternoon - no problems. She has played, and also been eating, just like normal. Has anyone else had this happen?

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Hi ajlinva. I have never had that happen to my zon and I am glad she is OK.

That had to be the scare of your life and I`m am glad you were there to help her wheh she needed you.

My zon loves to eat and she dips her hard pellets in her water to soften them. Always changing that water because of that.

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So glad that your amazon is now okay. This has never happened to my Louie, or any of my parrots. Thank goodness you know your zon so well and were able to figure out how to best help her. My zon is always chomping on wooden toys or other materials so I suspect you were right to assume that she had ingested some material/pellet that was hung up and needed a little push/water to go on down. I can only suggest that you ask your avian vet what the problem might have been. Regardless, you where there to help and I am so glad she is fine now. I would love to see some pictures of your sweet lady. (hint, hint) and perhaps an update on her activities!!!!! That's what this Amazon Room is for, so we can brag about our feathered zons!!!

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Hey there, my amazon sometimes makes a hissing/ choking type sound..it does sound like they are having trouble and choking, but it is something she does sometimes when she wants to be left alone. I have heard her do it while she was perched on my arm and the dog walks by. I am guessing your zon is doing the same as mine.

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