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The Day that changed so much


I am a New Yorker


I am a New Yorker

I do not live in the five boroughs or on the Island or Upstate

I may live hundreds or thousands of miles away

Or I may live just over the GW Bridge

But I am a New Yorker


I am a New Yorker

What ever took me out of New York:

Business, family or hating the cold

did not take New York out of me.

My accent may have faded and my pace may have slowed

But I am a New Yorker


I am a New Yorker

I was raised on Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and Rockefeller Plaza ,

The Yankees or the Mets (Giants or Dodgers)

Jones Beach , Rye Beach , Rockaway Beach or one of the beaches

on the sound

I know that "THE END" means Montauk.

Because I am a New Yorker


I am a New Yorker

When I go on vacation, I never look up

Skyscrapers are something I take for granted

The Empire State Building and the Statue of Liberty are part of me

Taxis and noise and subways and "get outa heah" don't rattle me

Because I am a New Yorker


I am a New Yorker

I was raised on cultural diversity before it was politically correct

I eat Greek food and Italian food, Jewish and Middle Eastern food and

Chinese food

Because they are all American food to me.

I don't get mad when people speak other languages in my presence

Because my relatives got to this country via Ellis Island and chose to stay

They were New Yorkers


People who have never been to New York have misunderstood me

My friends and family work in the industries, professions and

businesses that benefit all Americans

My firefighters died trying to save New Yorkers and non-New Yorkers

They died trying to save Americans and non-Americans

Because they were New Yorkers.


I am a New Yorker

I feel the pain of my fello w New Yorkers

I mourn the loss of my beautiful city

I feel and dread that New York will never be the same

But then I remember:

I am a New Yorker


And New Yorkers have:

Tenacity, strength and courage way above the norm

Compassion and caring for our fellow citizens

Love and pride in our city, in our state, in our country

Intelligence, experience and education par excellence

Ability, dedication and energy above and beyond

Faith--no matter what religion we practice

Terrorists hit America in its heart

But America's heart still beats strong

Demolish the steel in our buildings, but it doesn't touch the steel

in our souls

Hit us in the pocketbook; but we'll parlay what we have left into a


End innocent lives leaving widows and orphans, but we'll take care of


Because they are New Yorkers


Wherever we live, whatever we do, whoever we are

There are New Yorkers in every state and every city of this nation

We will not abandon our city

We will not abandon our brothers and sisters

We will not abandon the beauty, creativity and diversity that New York represents

Because we are New Yorkers

And we are proud to be New Yorkers


REMEMBER 9-11-01



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I feel really horrible for this day. I cried too. But 20 years ago this day I cried and it was a joyous cry because I gave birth to a darling baby boy named Jordan/Jordy. Plus 10 years ago today my niece Anna was born.My son however, feels bad about this horrible day be part of history and its his B' Day .We will always remember this day and think of those families who lost someone special to them and pray w/ them. Some day justice will be served.

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I have those burning building as my desk top photo since that day. I watched it on TV this morning and I was a basket case. I hade flight res. for 7:05am 9-12

and left for the city as soon as the planes flew again, 4 days later. It was still smoking when I got there, and I was there for 3 days in a row helping as best I could.





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It is a very sad day, for the entire country. A day whose effects will never leave us. A day that will always be remembered. We are forever changed as Americans.


God Bless those who fought so hard to rescue human lives. God Bless those who died innocently that fateful day. May God bring comfort and love to those families that suffered from such a tragedy. And may God watch over all Americans and bring Peace to us all.

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Thanks, Joe for posting this poem and sharing it with us on this 6th anniversary of the horrible tragedy in New York.


Yes this is a very sad day on one hand, but it is a happy day for me also for one of my granddaughters was born on Sept. 11, 2006 and she is 1 year old today, and her name is Jordan. How coincidental is that Toni?


Also my hubby left for Germany this afternoon and he was apprehensive to say the least, leaving on a plane on this date.

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Wow! FairY, thank you for sharing that link with us. It is emotionally overwhelming to see all those families and what they have lost forever. My heart breaks for them, but I take comfort in the fact that they have this rememberence to share with the world. They will never be forgotten.

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