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Hello from South Texas

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My name is Sue. I am a divorced mom with 2 grown kids and I still take care of my ex-husband. It's weird, I know. But I like him better when I don't have to live with him. I believe it was George Carlin that said the shortest sentence in human language is "I am" so perhaps the longest is "I do." So enough about me...


My Congo African Grey will be 2 on December 11th and her name is Rosa Parks. She's named (appropriately) after the woman who wouldn't give up her seat on the bus for a white man. My Rosa shows the same vitality and determination as her namesake. I have 2 1/2 dogs (my Hungarian Viszla, my ex's Hungarian Vizsla which is the son of my Viszla, and my 6 lb. purebred mutt. I only have my ex's dog in the evening. Hence the 1/2 dog.


Every morning Rosa, Travis, Daphne and I go for hour long walks. Rosa loves walks and trusts me when noisy buses, garbage trucks, etc., come around. She is really desensitizing to loud noises while we're out. Different story in the house, but I think she's just over-reacting because she's not tethered to me so she gets more attention. She has moments of complete brilliance and spits out a perfect coherent sentence. Then she goes back to mimicking what she hears. She performs many animal sounds, and human bodily emission sounds. She likes to discipline the dogs with me by saying "quit" and she likes to call one dog by name with accompanying whistle. You know how when small children see a swingset and they want you to swing them and they never, ever want to stop? Well, I have a swing on my bird stand in the bedroom and Rosa is relentless...and she's going to be a 2 year old for the rest of my life since she'll out live me...*sigh.* She calls me boss because I watch to much NCIS! Nobody has ever called me boss before. I like it!


So hello and I'm glad to meet y'all (had to throw in my texas accent.)

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Thank all of you that gave me the hearty English Pub style welcome. But imaginary beer with lots of foam just lacks flavor. So, I have pictures to show you, BUT! Even the most elementary style of explanation still goes right over my head. How do I get out of quit reply so I can go into full reply? And why do computer guys always have to make things a little bit more challenging every year? It takes me that long just to figure out the OLD NEW stuff.


I'm late with our morning walk, and down here, if you don't start early (like around 8am) then you're going to burn up. It's almost 9am. I'm in for a treat.


Tally ho! I decided not to be a South Texan today. Can you tell?

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Hello Sue and welcome to our family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing a lot more about you and Rosa Parks.

I love your introduction and about your lifestyle well whatever works.

Thats great that she accompanies you on your walks with the dogs, she gets to spend some time in the outdoors with some fresh air and being with you is the best part.

Thanks for sharing a pic of Rosa with us and if you have more you would share with us don't hesitate to add them.

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100_0090.jpgThis is Rosa Parks. She will be 2 years old on Dec. 11th. She is the Alpha person (note my use in animal hierarchy) in my house. This picture is of her deciding at the last minute that she DOESN'T want to share her cheese with my 55 lb. dog, Travis. She laughs like me. She has a variety of mean, teasing tricks under those feathers. Sometimes she'll hold the food out in front of her and then bite the dog when he tries to take it. Then she'll let the food hang from one claw and dangles it in front of him. That's when she's being merciful and let's him take it. My favorite is when she throws the food. It is hilarious. She is so devious, and she laughs after every tease!


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