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My first "intelligent" conversation with Willie


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It's probably definitely not a good behavior that brought on this conversation with, but the shock of the whole thing made it just way too funny.


He was perched on my hand. We had just walked back into my room, where his cage is. He had been a good boy, all sweet and letting me pet him and all that. We got about 6 feet from his cage and he all of a sudden clamped down on my finger, not enough to really hurt, but enough to startle me enough to jerk my hand. When I did, he took off flying, circled the room and landed on his cage. As he settled on the top of his cage he starts saying "HAHAHA", bobbing his head and looking at me like "what are you gonna do about it?"


I said "I'll make you think HAHAHA, Ass." He tilts his head curiously and says "Whats a matter"


I blinked. Did he just really do that? Lol, so I was like "Whats a matter, my foot. You know exactly what you're doing don't you?" He fluffs up his feathers to turn himself into a little grey ball of fury. I started laughing and said "Well. Fine then. I'm going to Bobby's. I'll be back in a little while. You be good." As I was walking to the door, I told him bye bye, see you soon.


I was about to turn the overhead light off and he says "Wait a second". I turned around and looked at him and said "what?" He says, "Wanna see *whistle*".

He was craning his neck toward the doves, who are little cage birds. They never liked to be handled. So, Willie repeated himself, "Wanna see". I walked back to him and he lifted a foot for me to get him. He stepped up and craned over toward the dove's cage. I asked him "You wanna see the doves?" He answers with "wanna see" again. So, I took him over there and let him see the doves. He spent a good 3 minutes checking them and their cage out, then said "Want down", then started craning his neck toward the floor.


So. I lowered my hand and he walked off onto the floor. First time he's been on the floor since he's been with me. He cautiously looked around the room, checking out shoes and my daughter's stuffed animals. He got to the door then got nervous and started lifting his foot like "come get me now".


I got him and took him into the kitchen where I was talking to mom about the whole thing and he started fluffing feathers at me like he was mad. I asked him what was wrong, he answered (I think) "Juice". It was said with a whistle, so I'm not 100% sure about that one. I got him some apple juice and he calmed down.


The whole thing left me shocked. I've honestly never had a conversation with a bird before. Was very cool. I can't wait to see what comes next. :)

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This is a huge step forward in your relationship with Willie!!!


The first actions you describe of him just applying pressure and scaring the hell out of you was funny to me as well, so I laughed along with Willie. :P The "Whats a matter?" was truly because it puzzled him that you became upset at a gentle beaking indicating he was not wanting to go to his cage I suspect.


The rest of your story and conversation just goes to show how intelligent these greys and are it's wonderful that you paid attention to what he was saying, requesting etc. and responding in ways that assured him you knew what he was asking and going along with his little first real adventure guided by none other than himself. I have a feeling you two are going to have a very wonderful life together. :)

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Octane, Willie is 17 yrs old. He's a smart bird. Since this little conversation, we've had several more. He will ask "where'd she go?", talking about my mom when she walks past; or "Who is it?", when someone knocks on the door. I swear, at times it's just like talking to a person. Very cool experience. :)

Really, the only issues we have is his random mood changes, when he decides he wants to bite the crap out of me. We're working on that though.


Now that he has been on the floor that one time, he constantly climbs off his perch, wherever it may be and walks the floor all over the house now. Curious about everything.

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