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I have a question


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I am awaiting the arrival of my new baby CAG, he has just started flying and is still in the weaning stage with the breeder, so shouldn't be too much longer til he comes home...and now, I found a gal who lives within 30 miles of me that is trying to re-home her CAG that is I think around 3 years old. I have been keeping in contact with this gal for about 3 weeks, and she still has her bird, and don't think I can fight off the urge to go meet her bird. The gal says her CAG is perfect, nothing wrong, no bad habbits, not a plucker so on and so forth, I have been sent pics and videos, and all seem to show a happy healthy bird. She is re-homing due to lack of time, she runs a full time day care and goes to school in the evenings, so she never has time to spend with her parrot, and always leaves her in the cage...She has a large cage, playstand, shower stand, and purifier that all will go with her for $800 obo...So, getting to my question...would it be wise of me to get both birds, I have no prior parrot experience, my baby was to be my first and only...at least for a while, but I am having trouble resisiting! I spoke with my breeder and she said that it would be a fine idea to get the second, as it will help not to overwhelm my baby with all the attention from my family of 5. I am a stay home mom and we have a farming operation, so I am home 99% of the time, I have the $$$ to take care of them properly, but wanted to know if it was a good idea for a novice to take on 2 birds at once...

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I say YES! They will hopefully learn to like each other as neither one has had you all to themselves first. After all we get MBS once we get a bird, you just got it early!! Just make sure you do your research, and understand what a greys requirements are. Sounds like you have the time, and $$. Plus you have others in your home to help.

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Taking on a baby grey and rehoming a theer year old grey all at one time and no parrot experience is going to be a big challenge.

I`m not going to say it can`t be done.

There are a lot of parrots from one bird homes that did not make it because the person was new and did not understand the parrots need and the home failed.

A baby grey and a rehome grey are to differant birds and may need differant things.

In my heart I would love to see it work out.

Best of luck.

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Hi Jodi, I have a three year old grey (TAG), Ana Grey, and a 6 month of grey (CAG), Sterling Gries. The 3 year old I have had since she was 4 months old and the 6 month old I have had for about 6/7 weeks. My Ana Grey is very jealous of my young CAG and dive bombs him all the time. Well, it is getting better but I have had to be on my toes all the time to keep the battles at a minimum. I am retired and live alone so I have the time to referee. I guess what I am saying is that greys are very intelligent and require attention that other parrots might not. Personally because you admit to no experience with parrots, especially greys, I would get only one grey to start with and see if you are okay with that grey's needs first. I'm not trying to discourage you having more than one grey only to take things slowly at first because unlike other animals parrots/greys live a long, long time. They become part of the family not just a pet and they require more attention than say a dog or cat or any farm animal. Of course, having a hubby and children, who love and can help with the greys will be a great asset, and only you know how a grey or two will fit into your family. Good luck with your decision. I know you will make the right one because you cared enough to think about it and ask advice.

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I am only a new grey owner, so I can't offer any personal experience. That said, I will still chirp in with my opinion...


I am very sure that Janet's (luvparrots) situation is dramatically different from Jodi's. For Janet, Ana Grey was well established in the house (and in Janet's attention) when the new baby showed up to steal away some of Janet's precious attention. With Jodi, both birds would be new to the house.


Of course, as everyone mentions, these little guys have wildly different personalities and reactions to various situations that predictions are hard to make...


On a tangentially related subject, my nine-year-old son just told me, "It's a 100% chance that you will get another parrot." I will do my best to resist this infectious syndrome...

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Ok, well I wasn't able to resist going to meet the 3 year old CAG...She is a wonderful bird! She is very sweet. She steps up every time she is asked, and loves being loved on. She does not talk, she mimics, but no words. She is on Zupreem pellets and looks really good. The owner is a really nice lady that has had her since a baby. I spent a lot of time with "Shyloh" (the bird, they think she is a girl, but didn't DNA) and the entire time she was very content on her playstand or being held. I left the house, to "think" about what to do, as I didn't want to make a rash decision...Not long after I left, the owner called....said she really like me and how Shyloh and I interacted, so she greatly reduced the price of everything (not that that was an issue) so, I took Shyloh...actually, I took her to my breeders house, she is going to send in a blood sample for DNA and check her out a little and see if she can get her to eat a soft food diet along with her pellets, and if all is well, I will bring her home this week! My breeder lives within 15 minutes of me (and that is only becuase I live on the outside of town) and I have visited every day! Shyloh is totally content and plays and makes noises constantly, and remains perfectly friendly and willing to step up and recieve attention. My breeder also assured me, before I ventured into 2 birds, that she would help out if ever and whenever I needed it. I also have an avian vet right in town as well, and will be making an appointment for Shyloh, just to make sure everything is on the up and up before she comes home. I am thrilled, and humble with my choice. I have a lot of support from my breeder and a couple of close friends also in town that have parrots, one a CAG as well.

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Well it looks like the decision is made and Shyloh is coming to live with you, you have taken on quite a responsibility but you seem to have a support system with your breeder and several friends that if you really want to make this work you can, it won't be easy at times but well worth it if you understand you have two different birds that need both your time and attention.

Congrats on giving Shyloh a new forever home and sharing a pic of her with us, she sounds like a real sweetheart but there could be some bumpy roads ahead so be prepared for things to not go so swimmingly in the next few weeks and months as this one adjusts to a new home and your new baby comes home.

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I think fate stepped in and prompted you to get Shyloh, and I am glad you did. Just know there are many knowledgeable people on this forum that help you with any questions you may have. Please feel free to ask away... Good luck and keep us posted! i do think getting the two birds at about the same time will help any potential dominance issues.

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Good luck with your decision to bring home Shyloh - she/he is a beauty! It sounds like you are ready for this commitment and my bet is that everything will work out just fine! I am certainly no expert, but I have 6 parrots, all of them came to live with us within a couple of years. It seems like once you have 1, then you find out about this one and that one that desperately need homes. At one time all I did was research on the internet to find out about the needs of each one and everything has worked out great. We have 4 that needed a forever home and I could not turn my back on them, I love them all and do the very best I can do to make sure that they are happy and healthy. Constant source of entertainment in this home! Stay in touch and keep us posted on the progress, this forum is a wonderful place, so many experienced parrot owners ready to answer any questions you might have. Take one day at a time, relax and enjoy your new babies.

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Found out that Shyloh is a BOY! That kinda figures as I am the only female in my household...even Perry, my CAG that is still at the breeders, is a boy! Shyloh seems to be adjusting well to his new home. He will even sit on my knee and preen. He was only ever fed Zupreem pellets and I cannot get him to eat any veggies as of right now, however I keep trying to give him some if different ways, hoping to find a way he will eat them. He also will not eat a nut of any kind! However, he seems to really like sweet potatoes and oatmeal! It going to be interesting for him and for me to see what he ends up liking! He is enjoying his toys and paper balls I make for him to shred up. He also seems to like his playstand! He is not particularly fond of cuddles during the day, but seems to appreciate them before bed! I have heard him make about a half a dozen sounds so far, no talking yet, but maybe someday! Anyway, we are really enjoying him and he seems comfortable here. I added a couple of recent pictures of him.




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Wow, Shiloh is transitioning into your home with panache! I am thrilled for all of you that this worked out as well as it has. I wasn't on earlier to read from the day you started posting and my thoughts would be that a rehome at the same time as a first time baby caretaker might be overwhelming, but I would have never predicted how flawlessly Shiloh came in and found his spot in your heart and home. Congratulations on your jump start into the world of greys, enjoy your journey. Thanks for joining us.

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Everyday now Shyloh does something new! He makes several new whistles and he actaully spoke today...He said "peek-a-boo"! Found out he LOVES grapes, but not broccoli, cauliflower, or slivered almonds! I gave him a shower yesterday...he didn't love it, but didn't hate it either! Oh, and he does NOT like spongebob on TV, pretty sure it scares him, can't say I blame him, lol!

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