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Hi gang.My wife and myself has just got another mouth to feed,a giant house rabbit.So we have jasper our amazon,jess our 10 year old grey,now harrison.Jess who is for me only,no one gets a look in,was sat on her cage watching H come up to me,i stroked his ears,then,whooosshhh,down jess came.H didnt stand a chance,he scuttled off for a few minutes,then came back,a bit wary at first.Is this normal behavior for a protective grey? jess is very protective of me,my wife cant get close to jess,she does tolerate us having a cuddle,just.Our amazon jasper doesnt give a second look at harrison,yet.lol.Is having a rabbit going to do any harm to my girls,health wise or any other?I hope we have done the right thing.:confused:

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Greys...? possessive ...? Let's just say it's been known to happen! lol But if you make it a point to let Jess know that you want her to make nice w/the rest of the flock, you've got a fighting chance of minimizing some of her possessive behavior, maybe. Beyond that, your wife needs to do whatever she can to make her own relationship w/Jess. But at the moment, it sounds like Jess has picked you as her favorite.


I don't know of any problems w/greys & bunnies, specifically. But you might want to watch the hay, if you use it, because of the mold that can be in some of it.

Edited by birdhouse
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We have flemish giants too. What great personalities. Sam has never seen them though- they live outside in the barn- Not caged, but in a huge pen.

We have chickens too, and I laugh when Sam sits and looks out the window at them (they free range in our yard) and has even clucked in response to a noisy hen.


Best of luck.

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