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Food Photos


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I'm trying dilligently to offer Sam different foods (in addition to pellets) and so far we've only hit on a few he likes. The vet suggested I make a mix, which I did, and I still throw it out every day, untouched, except for the carrots.

I'm not giving up, and will keep trying.

In the mean time, does anyone have a photo they can post of the way they serve veggie/beans/etc/grains, etc...

I'm wondering if it should be chopped up more, or if I'm missing something.


Any photos to share?



Karen and Sam of course.

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The one thing about a grey is they are a pain in the butt when you want them to try something. Just keep offering them the vegs and it may not be today or next week, but one day they will try it and think it`s the best stuff in the world. It`s like who can out last who when it comes to what they like. It`s like they don`t want to told what they like they want to find out by them self. (ah kids I mean fids)

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how finely are you chopping up his veggies? I wlll take a picture when I get home but we have been making big batches of finely chopped fruit/veggies/beans/rice/pasta and our birds although apprehensive at first love it now.


Basically just food process any fruits/veggies you may have til they are finely chopped and mix it with cooked rice/beans/nuts and raw pasta (pasta will soften up from all the juice). I usually end up with around 16 cups worth and I just split it in zip locks and freeze all the extra and thaw when im going to serve it. This seems to be a good way to introduce variety because when its chopped fine enough its too much work to start picking out their favorites. Also if they really prefer one food you can make that the main ingredient to start and slowly incorporate more variety. It took about a month for our macaw to really give it a try and like it so dont be surprised if they wont touch it at first but the cockatoo and CAG dove right in.


I usually chop up









bananas (mashed)







fresh veggies are best I tend to use most of our gardens surplus as bird food this way and all the stuff they fling just gets composted.

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Thanks- I am going to try chopping them smaller for a few weeks and see if I have any better luck. I won't give up, but was hoping to entice Sam with something.

He has come a long way socially in under three months, so I guess I shouldn't push it.

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I was trying to give my bird fresh food and she wasn't trying it just ignoring it completely. Well, I stayed persistent, and eventually I tried something new. I leave for work at 3:30 pm almost everyday and work until about 10pm -12 am, but my birds are out all day long so they didn't get much chance to eat any fresh food, then I would take it out before work so it wouldn't spoil. Well, I read that if you squeeze orange juice over fresh food you can leave it in much longer, so now I put the fresh food in before work with an orange wedge squeezed over it and Eva loves it. When I get home I almost always am removing an almost empty dish from her cage!

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