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Aviator harness


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What are your thoughts on this?




Do you all like this harness?


I do, but I'm starting with a very young parrot. He accepts the harness but doesn't really like it. If you succeed in getting your boy to wear it, keep putting it on him all year on a regular basis even if you aren't taking him out. A few people have reported successfully using the harness and then the winter months came and they didn't use it. Come spring their grey wanted NOTHING to do with the harness.

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What are your thoughts on this?




Do you all like this harness?


It's been talked about loads of times here and other places. It's an item that's very popular and it's used by hundreds of people all over the place. It's a different type of harness. A dog harness comes with a 7 ft leash. An aviator harness doesn't. You may need to see about the Aviator actual item so check it out.


Edited by Dave007
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Ive seen the other threads, I am contemplating letting Aristotles wings grow out, and think that this would be the harness for us. Just doing a bit of research, and I was wondering if anyone had experience with this particular brand. It says no clips, so I worry about the bird getting loose? i dont know. The clipped method has been working for us so far, and I know that "if it aint broke, dont fix it" but from reading the pros and cons over and over, Im seriously considering flight for Aristotle.


Thanks for the reply Dave. =)

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I first purchased a harness with all the clips for my first grey and frankly, didn't like it much with all those heavy latches. I immediately purchased an Aviator when I learned about them, and it is much more pet friendly in my opinion and much lighter. So having had experience with both, I would go with the Aviator Harness. You just slip the head opening over the head, slip in the wings in the appropriate places, adjust to make sure it fits cozy and you are good to go. The attached leash is about 6/7 feet long and you can purchase a longer flight line to go with it if you so desire.

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Thanks friends, my bird doesnt like to get clipped and I assume that he has been showing me little by little by plucking a feather here and there whenever that time comes around. He still has great feathers but now has a couple of patches with the down feathers.


Im assuming its from plucking.


Ill get us a picture so you can see what I mean. . .

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I love the way you fly your Cocoa. I am trying to get my Misty into a harness but he is an older bird and not very co-operative so far. I don't want to push him to hard so it will take time. Misty was poorly clipped when I adopted him at two years so he hated having his wings touched but I am gradually getting his trust in that respect. He trusts me in every other way.




Steve n Misty

Edited by Mistyparrot
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