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Sad Story


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A few weeks ago I visited our local pet shop, and was amazed that they had a African

Grey baby and a 27 year old Red Lored Amazon. These birds were sitting in the floor in very tiny cages, with waste up above the grates in the cages. I spoke with the girl that was working and explained that they were not in the best of conditions (tryed to be nice), telling her the cages were way to small and the only perch in the cages were the size I have for my Cockateil. Anyway, she informed me that cages had been ordered for the birds and would be arriving soon. The next week I went back and same thing, I called a few days later and spoke to someone else that told me there were no cages on order. I then found out that my friends son had been going by about every other day to visit these birds and was determined to get them out of that store (he is 18 and very much an animal person). To make a long story short, I went and bought the birds (1500.00) and that night we surprised my friends son with that baby he had fallen in love with. Both of those birds went straight to him and it was a prime example of birds picking people. It was one of the best feelings I have ever had and felt so good to get those birds out of the situation they were in. Exactly one week later I get a call at 7:30 a.m. and they have gotten up to find the baby in the bottom of the cage barely breathing. They leave to rush to the Vet and before they can get there the baby passes away. The Vet did a necropsy and ruled out Chlamydia and Psittacosis, and has concluded that there was some type of disease. We contacted the owner of the Pet Shop and he has not been very cooperative, to say the least. I am sorry to go on so long, but have searching on the internet trying to find if I have any type of recourse in this situation. Didn't know if anyone had any ideas or knew of any regulations that pertain to pet stores selling birds. This has been heartbreaking, we are all devastated.

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I know this is small consolation, but at least someone loved him when he died. Every companion creature deserves that much. He was loved for the last week of his life. People wept for him.


As for any recourse you might have, I don't really know. I can tell you what I would do. I would tell the owner of the store that I'm a well-connected and well-respected blogger (which is true) and that if we don't reach a satisfactory settlement between us, I will blog the whole thing - from the deplorable conditions under which the birds were kept, to the diseased bird being sold to you, to his refusal to refund your money. I will ensure that my blog post is syndicated and circulated so that every pet lover in this city reads about it. Furthermore, I will ensure that it never goes away. Every time someone googles his name or his store's name, this accurate and damning blog post will come up at the top of the list.


And then, if he didn't give me my $1500 back, I would do exactly that.

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Also, couldn't animal health care be contacted for any advice? This pet store will have birds again and it might happen all over again to someone else who won't take action against them. Maybe it would be wise to find a way for this pet shop to be investigated and people warned!!!

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Update: I received a check in the mail for the baby grey! The pet shop owner wanted to see vet reports and also spoke on the phone with the vet. I guess he needed proof that it wasn't something that we did wrong (which I completely understand). Although my reasons for trying to get the birds out of the store was because of the conditions they were living in, this has been a horrible experience for both of our families. But, like Zoom said above, he was very much loved and at least had a week of being very, very, special. On a more positive note, the Amazon is doing just fine and everyday I hear more stories about funny things she does and says. She is in a wonderful, forever home. I have vowed never to go in that pet store again.

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I'm so sorry for your loss.


Once, when I was a teenager, I took in a pet rat from a pet shop that had a respiratory infection. They're very common in rats and other small animals, and it's a death sentence most of the time. I took the little girl home (no charge to me) and made sure that her last three days were spent with somebody who loved her. At least that bird got to be loved in the last days of his life. It's so important for them, I think.


Bless you!

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I know this is small consolation, but at least someone loved him when he died. Every companion creature deserves that much. He was loved for the last week of his life. People wept for him.



That brought a tear to my eye, so I have wept for him too the poor little soul.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thank you all for your kind words. It's funny how you really have to be a bird person to understand what they mean to us. I have never thought that I would outlive any of my birds, all I have worried about is making sure my 2 sons know how to find good homes if something happened to me and they could not keep them. I realize more now than ever that each day with them is precious. They are part of my family and I hope and pray they will be for a long, long, time.

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  • 1 year later...

you did such a wonderful thing by removing the birds from such terrible conditions, so sad the little guy didn't make it but as otheers have said at least he died being loved, I would still keep an eye on this shop and if they have birds again I would report it, the small cage was bad enough but not being cleaned for a very long time is just pure neglect by staff at the shop, I mean lets be fair how long does it take to remove the bottom of the cage and replace with clean paper! You and your friends son are wonderful people.

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The Pet Store has CLOSED! They are gone - just thought I would let everyone know! Its the best thing that could have ever happened!


I think that this is amazing! Unfortunately it took your bad experience, but hopefully other people and birds/animals will be saved from having to go through the same thing!

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