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Baby's First Words

Stewies Mom

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I thought it would be cool to know what everyones Grey's first words were and also how old they were when they said them for the first time. I am not sure if there is a thread like this or not but seems neat to know the words they first say. My greys are too young to talk but my cockatoos first word was Sparky wihich was his name before I got him. He was about 10 months old. =D

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Wow lots of new babies here. Mine are also too young at only 2 months next Saturday but they make the sweetest coos and chirps. My macaw talks alot when she wants although her favorite words are hey! and What? lol she screams those alot. she also mocks me sneezing so I am trying to get her to say bless you.

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Maggie was 7 and 1/2 when I got her and the first words I heard her say were Shut up bird! She has several different voices and a very large vocabulary. When the phone ring she is the first to say Hello and does not shut up until I hang the phone up, I have to take all my call's into the other room.

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Gemma just started saying, "You're all wet!!" I've said that to her several times when she was getting a shower (which she doesn't get often, she's not crazy about them). We watched the Grey Einstein on YouTube, who says, "Look at you! You're all wet!!!" as she gets her shower. Gemma really paid attention to that and a few days later started saying it on her own. Now she practices saying it and it's getting more and more clear. Now if I could just get her to enjoy the shower as much as she enjoys commenting about Einstein's!!

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My baby started talking at 16 weeks & he isn't even home yet! He says 'hi', 'hello' (in a deep male voice), 'up', whistles four different ways & makes kissing noises.

Everyone who works with him comments on how much he talks.

I think we have a chatterbox.

Makes me laugh when I walk away from him & he gives me a wolf whistle!

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