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A Mate for my Female??

sydney peaches

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So much for sleeping in this Saturday morning! This Comcast guy shows up at my house at 8am and starts talking to me about my Congo. He told me that since she is a female (she's 3 years old now) that if I don't mate her or get a male, she'll pluck all her feathers out and become mean. I was like, "huh?" I wanted to ask if anyone knows if that has any validity. When do female Congos reach sexual maturity? I thought in this breed of bird, females tend to not show any behavior issues during that time.030.jpg


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Guest Netty

i thought they matured at 5? i could be wrong though. and you can control hormonal problems in birds.


allot of what humans do that we call affection is actually telling the bird that your it's mate.


i had a link to a page that talked about it but i can't find it. but i am sure you can google it and find something good -or- one of the other memebrs might have a good link for you.



i am off to organize 782 favourites that are apparently all messed up on my comp if i find the link i will post it for you though.

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Greys ( male and female) don't mature until they're about 5 to 6 yrs old so any breeding before that age is impossible and at that breeding age, there's even a very good chance that the first and possibly the second clutch will be infertile.


More importantly, the guy is lying to you. Greys ( male and female) don't pluck because of the lack of a mate. 90 % of breeder greys aren't pets at all. They have never been pets. They bond with each other and exclude people from their lives. They only associate with the immediate owners.


A grey who's a pet bird won't make a good breeder because that pet bird has already set up a bond with the owner. A breeder bird doesn't. The bond is strictly between the male and female. Put a pet bird in with a breeder bird and there's a good chance that the breeder bird may seriously maim or even kill the pet bird.

Put 2 pet birds together and more than likely, they won't know what to do. They may even not like each other. If you wanna keep a pet grey than no breeding should ever take place. Don't try it. Don't even think about it.

You should watch out for people like that. They have other motives that they won't talk about. Let him do the cable work and leave it like that.

Edited by Dave007
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Oh pooh, Pshaw! pish! Thanks for the belly roll!!! That's all I have to say. Hopefully Dave007 will pop in here and clear this all up with some expert advice.





***Note*** Dave you beat me to it!!!!! Excellent answer!!!

Edited by luvparrots
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You should have asked him where did he learn all this infinite wisdom for he doesn't know squat about greys but our resident expert does and he gave you an excellent answer. I am not as gullible as I used to be and I would have told him to stick with what he knows best and keep his mouth shut about the rest.

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OK tell him to stick it. My Congo African Greay is almost eleven years old and has never had a mate and is the sweetest grey ever and has a lover for me my wife my son and any body that walks in the front door of our house. She is not a plucker and she just loves to be with us.


P.S. She is very spoiled.

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Dave is always spot on with his extensive knowledge and decades of experience.


A thought on this morons claim. If that were true, there would be tens of thousands of plucked greys around the world, even in the wild. :P

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If that were true, there would be tens of thousands of plucked greys around the world, even in the wild. :P


That is the type of thing I wish would just float to the top of my consciousness in situations like that. I wonder what the cable guy would have said in response, Dan, if you had been there to make that reply!!

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