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Flying into windows:-(


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Finally we moved, couple days ago (that is why I wasn't around with you all), from a small attic apartment to a bigger, "non attic" apartment:-) I have a problem tho. Windows are all very clean and it looks like there is no glass so Zak flies into them, and, when he does that, he flies hard. I'm really afraid for him. He's gonna break his neck this way one time :-S What can I do to prevent this? I pull shades down but I can't keep them down all day. He didn't have this problem before because the attic windows weren't vertical to the ground so he didn't perceive them as an extension of his surroundings. Now he gets spooked and flies straight into one of them. Please help! Also, I tried putting some "obstacles" in front of the windows so he'd know something is there and not to ram into them, but I'm not sure it helps...

Edited by Morana
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Not sure I can give you any other suggestion that what you have already tried, maybe net curtains for the time being? They do get used to the windows etc & get to know where they are but I can imagine your worried for now just in case. I know when I first got Murphy he had a few crash landing into the windows hard & I thought, he's going to break his neck soon but then he got used to them & it stopped. Maybe this sounds silly but what about making them dirty or smearing that white stuff (think it's windowlene, left on to dry) on that people use when renovating, just until he gets used to his surroundings?

Edited by reggieroo
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Can you get the "post it notes" or sticky notes there? They are small brightly colored pieces of paper with repositionable adhesive. Some people have recommended putting them on the windows and mirrors in a new surrounding so the bird will notice it is not a fly-through area. Eventually Zak will get to know where the hazards are and it will get better. If you do put sticky notes on the windows, take Zak around and show him while you do it and make him a part of noticing the glass. I like reggieroo's idea of making the windows opaque at first and gradually making reminders if the sticky notes and showing Zak are not effective. It has to give you such a start and a huge gasp of panic when it happens. Poor Zak. On the other hand, moving to a bigger, brighter place is great for you, congratulations.

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The 2 suggestions I read about were, 1- take a bar of soap & scribble on the windows, and 2- place some of those static clings on them so they can see them. I have venitian blinds on my windows, so they are easy to adjust or completely open or close. Although they do have a few birdy beak marks on them!! I hope Zak figures out his new surroundings soon.

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Thank you all for great advices!! :-)

I already contacted the store in the UK for those window alert stickers. Till then, I'll be sticking post its on my windows or will keep shades down. It took me 4 hours to clean those windows after renovation of the apartment so I think I would loose it if someone (including me) would make them dirty again (so soon)..;-P

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Washing windows is bad enough as a routine, but rewashing straight away would be a most unwelcome chore. Your friends and family will be wanting to come see your new place and it would be a sure sign you have certainly lost your mind for them to come in and find you drawing with soap or other marking tools and then putting flaps of post it notes on your windows. I can see the nods and knowing smiles about the crazy bird lady. At least that would be the reaction of my own friends and family. Keeping Zak safe is wonderful. Keeping him safe and keeping you sane at the same time is priceless. Hope it brings you great success.

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Lol. Once again you made me laugh:-)

As I said, I'll try to aquire the warning stickers which look really nice (but the store didn't get back to me yet) and sain ;-)

And about post-its... I tried to stick them in a way that looks like I have transparent drapes with green squares so my neigbours wont think I'm insane , not just yet anyway ;-)

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