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Here in New Zealand hand raised fully weaned babies are expensive. I paid $4500 for mine (and I still haven't confessed to my parents just HOW much I paid for Cleo, 2.5 years on!)


I saw a breeder selling macaws, for a cool $20,000 each.

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I'm in London and looking to buy a CAG. Here in the Uk they usually vary from £600-£650. Last weekend we were talking to my father in law about the parrot we are gonna get and we said it will be expensive. Then he asked: how expensive? £200? haha We laughed and just said no, more. I could see the look of surprise on his face. And also noticed my husband didn't want to confess how much it would be either. Truth is most people don't understand why we would pay so much for "just a bird". Without mentioning how weird they look at you sometimes when you say parrots usually live up to 50 years or more. My in laws (surprised again) said "wow, that's a huge commitment" and asked why I like parrots so much. Bet they think I'm bonkers. lol

Edited by Popsicle
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Simon cost $1500 as a hand-fed baby from a breeder here in Ottawa, Canada. I don't like answering that question to non-bird people either, because they think I must be insane. (Especially since I'm unemployed.)

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Hm. You'd think, with Greys being so well known and all, that breeders and pet shops selling them would be easier to find. Hm. Well, if I can't get my hands on a Timneh a Congo it'll be x3


I could buy one and let it be shipped here, but... I rather meet the Timneh in parrot/in person to choose the one that chooses me v.v

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I paid $800 three years ago here in North Alabama. But, the parrot cost is just the beginning...the main cage, travel cage, multiple play stands, toys, organic pellets and vegetables, vet checks and grooming... I changed my spending priorities to keep Katie happy and healthy.

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I spent 900.00 bucks for corky but by the time picked her up 5 weeks later I had over 2000.00 with a good cage toys and food and that is just a start.

I have never felt bad about one single penny that I have spent on my birds because they have given back more than I have ever spent.

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We found Marcus last year on Craig's List. You'd be surprised (and saddened) by how many wonderful animals are advertised there... We adopted him with a few issues from his being neglected for so many years, but for the most part they're all water under the bridge now and he is just the most wonderful little boy we could ever hope for. :)

Edited by MarcusCAG
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Phenix cost me $185, which was more than I could afford at the time. Then he turned out to have chronic health problems. I spent a fortune on vet bills over the next year. Upwards of $600!


...yeah, I couldn't resist.


That was 20+ years ago. He was a rescue thru a bird shop. Knowing how badly off he was, the shop owner had taken him. He took my deposit on the condition that I could prove that I could handle the bird. Every time I came to visit, he did everything he could to talk me out of it. So did Phenix, for that matter.


Zoom, and anybody else...


There's no question that "second hand" birds aren't for everyone. But the joy of seeing a rescue become a happy, healthy fid can be just as wonderful as watching a fledgling grow up. In some ways, even more rewarding.


There are so many "bargains" out there who just need a safe & loving home.

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I got Millie, her cage and toys for free from my husband's ex-sister-in-law. She knew I would take her in and care for her. She came with some issues from being neglected and ignored for many years but we love her just the way she is.

I paid $650 for Rocky and his cage/toys.

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I paid $700.00 for Rudy a little over 2 years ago and Cody cost me $600.00 from a breeder , he was the last baby and he has a handicap because his leg was broke as a baby by his parents and it healed crooked but he has no problem getting around thats for sure plus he is fully flighted so that helps to

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Eshe cost me $600. She came with five big toys, a decent cage--probably about $350 new or so, a 25 lbs. bag of food (that I threw out, as it had been sitting partially open outside on her porch and in our 100 degree plus Texas days...yeah. Ick.

So, we got a great deal on her, but she does come with some emotional baggage. And who can blame her? We're her fourth home in two years.


We stopped at the vet on the way home, and dropped another $300 on paranoid owner testing--PDD, chlamydia psittacosis, CBC, full avian panel, PBFD, gram stain, fecal, etc. etc. not all of which is generally considered mandatory for a bird, but I already have several at home that I DO NOT want to risk, and with a history like hers....I just don't know where she's been.


I already had most of the other supplies I needed for her. Bless bird.com and all of their cheap, CHEAP toys. Every time I order a cage, carrier, or perches, I tack on another $30-40 worth of $2 perches and $3 toys. xD We've gotten some pretty awesome things on there. Like, creative foraging systems toys for $2 each, and a couple of BIG cotton and wood toys for $3 each. I got a macaw sized swing for $1, once. xD Plus, I make my own toys. Which is a good thing, b/c she's chewed her way through nearly a toy a day since she got here. xD


We have spent a small fortune at the health food store on various things in an attempt to find a way to spark her interest in eating and get some extra weight on her-not that she's interested in any of it.


All said, I'm about $1000 in on her, not including the very large "nestegg" of parrot supplies I already had on hand. And I imagine will probably drop another grand before the end of the first year with her. After that, the annual cost should go down quite a bit. =0 )

Until I decide she needs a new cage, that is. xD

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I know the guy sort of that I am getting my CAG from. His best friend is also my friend and person I get some of my Venomous snakes from. They came over one day to pick up some Venomous snakes and cages I was giving my friend. After we loaded everything up he showed me 3 baby CAG he had (He spends a lot of time with these birds, bringing them pretty much where ever he goes). He asked if I wanted one. (I've always thought about getting one however the time was never right or I was not mentally ready for one)


My neighbor/friend down the street has one. I know someone who works at a Feed Store and she is able to get CAG and about 1 1/2 years ago we both put a dept down for one. A week or so later I told her I was backing out. (I had to hand wean the babies and after thinking about it more I wasn't comfortable doing so plus deep inside I knew I wasn't ready) However my friend got his and I have watched his CAG grow up and feel now is the time to get one.


Now back to my friend who asked me if I wanted one of his 3 baby CAG. I asked him how much and he told me he is selling them for $900.00 but for me $800.00. I asked if they would be weaned before I get one and he said that's the only way he sells them. That made me feel much better. Anyway I held one of them and everything seemed right, I was getting excited! They drove off after talking for about a half hour.


OH CRAP! Did I just agree to buy a bird and not ask my other half???? Oppps! SO for 2 days I was worried about breaking the news to her. I could hear her now... ;-) So on the 2nd or third day we started talking about how bad I wanted a cat. (I've been bugging her for YEARS for one but she can't stand them and always tells me I can get any thing else but a cat). We went through the whole song and dance again so I said, you know what else I have always wanted? She asked, what? I told her nevermind you will just say no. (Keep in-mind that I have the whole garage for my snakes, 26 snakes and 27 large cages that are still empty) I also have 2 large saltwater aquariums being put together and a Rottie). She said, just tell me. So I told her a CAG. She told me she didn't care and I said really? I swore you would say no. She told me her mom has had birds all her life and was use to it. I said cool, I know a guy who is selling some and I'll be getting one. Few, that went pretty well. However she told me it would be my bird and my mess to clean up... ok baby!


A week or so later I upgraded my TV to a 3D Plasma TV and had tried to sell my older TV on craigs list with no bites. I thought I would ask my friend if he wanted it. long story short he took it, he will be giving his friend who has the baby CAG the $800.00 and I get a few other things we worked out in this trade. So in the end I sort of got my baby CAG for a used TV lol. He/she will be here around July 20th ish.


I'm getting very excited each day that passes. It's almost like getting ready for a baby to come home for the first time. I got the cage pretty much ready go with toys in and around it. I told the guy yesterday that I didn't want the wings clipped and have read the good and bad about doing so but that I am bird proofing my room. He was cool with it but still thinks clipping is the best way. I'm taking care of fans, plus I have a storm door on the front door and a sun room blocks the back door and it always stays closed. Long story short, the bird has to make it past 2 doors on each exit of the house.


Yeah, I can tell I am ready for a bird after waiting 38 1/2 years of my life.

Edited by kingsnake
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