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Well, I started discussing it on another thread but only got a couple of answers so decided to create a thread specifically for the subject as it is pretty much the only thing that's still worrying me. My husband works full time and I'm not working at the moment but will start job hunting soon. When I start working again I will work full time as well (if not in the beginning, I will at some point). We want to buy a Grey but will buy one only as we don't have enough space for two birds. At least not yet. The thing is I don't want to buy a parrot and make him unhappy. I really wanna make it work for all of us. Is it possible? Those who face similar situation or know someone who does, please share your experiences, give me some advice. Do parrots cope well staying in their cage all day, alone (with foraging toys, etc), whilst owners are at work? And then coming out of the cage in the evenings and having some extra attention on the weekends? :confused:

Edited by Popsicle
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My husband and I both work full time and my grey does fine. Even when we moved and I was out of work for a few months, he adjusted to being out all day, and then back to cage most of the day when I started work again. I leave the radio on for him to listen to while we are gone. And he has plenty of toys (who knows if he even touches them) and a forage toy that I know he does use. During the week he is out of his cage from about 530pm to about 830pm and on weekends he is out all day when we are there.

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I work full time and so does my hubby and I have 3 birds and yes it is ok to be a parrot owner and full time worker. They spend the day inside their own cages with toys to keep them busy, they have each other for company and I leave a radio on so they will have background noise. You can put foraging type toys in their cage to keep them occupied and rotate toys out every couple of weeks so they don't tire of the same ones but for the grey do leave a big heavy bell in the cage all the time for you will find it will be one of their favorite things. My grey as well as many others here love to ring a bell and play fight with it, you will think they are trying to kill it but its just something that greys love to do.

When I get home from work they come out of their cages usually for the rest of the evening and they are out extra on the weekends when I am home, this works for me and I imagine a similar situation in other households, you will find your fids are usually glad to see you when you get home and that is what makes it worth it.

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We have had Sierra for 14 years. We both work full time, except during summer which we have off. Sierra gets out first thing in the morning and "helps" me get ready for the day, eats breakfast with us, etc. Then she is home alone during the week for 10 hours a day. When we get home, she gets out and eats with us, sits on the couch with us, or just hangs out by us. I was very worried that this was not enough, but she is a very well-adjusted bird. She has zero nervous habits. I still worry that she is alone too much, but she really is a happy bird.

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im right there with JudyG....Timmy is a happy man as soon as we get home from work! he is in the house, patio, and yard with me on the weekends and gets plenty of out of cage time in evenings and ALL IS GOOD HERE!!

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I do not work and my parrots are out most of the day. I find that even though I am usually home, my parrots enjoy personal time for themselves. They do not need my full attention all the time. They enjoy preening or playing with their toys. So I agree with those that work, as long as you have some time before and after work for your parrot(s) they are still very happy and can get use to a schedule as long as there is time for them and once you come home they are part of the family and the action.

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That's great to hear. :D

I was reading a breeder's website last night and they said Greys are not an ideal pet for people who work all day because they require lots of attention and will feel miserable being alone all day, which could lead to feather plucking, phobia, etc. So I got really worried. As I said I don't see the point in buying an animal to make him unhappy. But I'm feeling a lot more positive about it now, after all your comments. Thank you everyone! And please keep sharing your thoughts. I appreciate it. :)

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I go to school full time AND I work part time! There are days where I get home at midnight...but I still make sure my fids have at least an hour each day out of the cage, and I make it up to them on my days off.


I think that Cockatoos are the birds that you need to worry about if you work full time.

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