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My CAG is really odd.


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Hi Staggy,


Clipping one wing is not a recommended method. It throws the Grey off balance and into a spiral rather than a straight 45 degree angle of descent to the floor with equal lift on both sides.


Normally, one would want to clip both wings equally. This gives the bird much better balance and a controllable straight path flight down to the floor.

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I agree Dan, that is totally wrong to clip only one wing and I would question the reason why a breeder would do such a clip.


As for as Ubecrew is concerned, I would have the grey checked out by an avian vet to rule out anything wrong with one of her wings. Something is not quite right with a grey that does not want to flap their wings when they sense they are about to fall. I would do my best to find a suitable vet even if it means you have to travel a long distance.

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  • 5 months later...

ok I have a question. How long should a grey go between clips? The reason I ask is our (first) grey was clipped at about 5 months (never learned to fly).....that was over a year ago and I see no indicatiion at all of new feathers. Tail feathers have grown out but she still fly's like a rock! I've been wondering this for a long time now. I think the vet clipped her WAY to much and way too early but we were noobs then (well, not so much anymore). :blink: Any thoughts?

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Like the tail feathers they don't molt out all at once, usually just a few at a time but some should be showing themselves by now. Would help if we could see a picture of the wings preferably spread out so we can see them better!!


I wouldn't go to that vet again if he did trim them back too far, was it an avian vet or just a regular vet?

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I agree if we could see them better it would help. Do you know how many was clipped? Was it just his flight feathers? And I have read and I know it can be true on a Quaker, well at least ours, that a wing clip can last close to a year for some. Just varies. But if you can show us a pic that would help big time!

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I will try for a pic tonight. She is losing feathers now all of a sudden...pulling them out one by one (flight feathers). She is 18 months old so I suspect it's normal as she is a well cared for bird with no issues to speak of. It was an avian vet "center". Not real sure of the doc that we saw. I'm not impressed somehow. I mean Goofball flies lik a rock. Suprised she hasn't split her breast bone the way she lands sometimes. Can anyone tell me what their "molting schedule" is? from birth?

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ok, fist I want to thank Judy for helping find my way back to this thread! ok here are 2 pics....as asked they both fall out and she pull's em while preening. She is not "plucking" I assure you. She looks a little ragged out near the rear but it because of #1 the new tail feathers (finally dropped remaining grey) and #2 her flight feathers are in dissarray) Amazes me to see the pic as it's been well over a year since she was clipped (more like mowed down!)


any opinions?


thanks again Judy, you rock!

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Yes they do look a little ragged and when you say clipped (more like mowed down) I assume you mean it was a severe clip, maybe more than should have been taken off, it looks like it. Thats probably why she drops like a rock, hopefully her flights are coming in and she will soon be able to fly and land with ease.

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Wow DF&H - That is a real butcher job by whoever clipped those wings.


One thing to note on primary flight feather molting. They come out in sets. The feathers will molt out for example feather 1 on left wing and on right wing. Once they come in, then feather 2 on left and right wing will molt out and grow back in etc. This is so the birds can remain flighted while under going a molt.


You will need to keep a close eye on those primaries to see whats happening. With no supporting or protective secondaries or primaries to protect them, they can become damaged very easily while growing out.

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Thanks Dan, yeah we'll try to pin her down and get a better look. One thing we have noticed is a few of those flight feathers were a bit painfull once they started to come out as she'd wrestle and squak till it gave in (or out?). She did pull a blood feather as well (actually splattered the bathroom mirror!) which I assume is natural. Growing pains perhaps? :ohmy:

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