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My CAG is really odd.


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Does any one elses birds just randomly jump off the top of there cage. My Bird never learned to fly, but she will just randomly jump off stuff. im not sure if it is to get to me, or she is just falling by accident. But im affraid she is going to hurt herself, because she seems to fall really hard. If any one can hepl explain this to me it would be great. Im about to cover my living room in bubble wrap. Thanks

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Guest briansmum

the fact that she never learned to fly could have a lot to do with this,learning to fly (before clipping) is essential to the proper neurological development of birds. it could well be that instinct is telling her she should be able to get from A to B (the cage to you) safely, but given she never learned how to use her wings is now confused.


are her wings still clipped? it must be a severe clip because she should still be able glide to the floor not fall. i would suggest avoid putting her in high places for now and put cushions around where she likes to sit, then let her feathers grow back so that she can learn to fly before you clip again.

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Beccy is right, she may have never learned to fly, but it sounds like the wings are clipped too much. She should be able to glide to the floor not drop like a rock for she could hurt herself, like split the breastbone. I agree with Beccy, don't put her in high places so she won't have far to go when she jumps off.


Josey will come off her play top sometimes to come to me but she glides off easily, and her wings are clipped but I am allowing them to grow out.

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My Grey Loves to leap off the cage and on to the bed, finch cage, chair, my head, and pretty much everything else. I clipped his wings about a month after he started to fly. Everything I read said you need to let them learn to fly and do it gracfully before you clip or they will be very clumsy for a very long time. I had a Sun that never learned to fly when I got him so as soon as I had him trained with all the commands and knew he would stay with me I let his wings grow in. My CAG did take a fall once even after learning to fly with clipped wings. A few weeks ago I was getting ready to go out so I was in my bathroom with the bird on the shower rod and he was happily playing with the curtain rings. He got a little to roudy with them and fell off and landed right in the toilet. I really should have gotten a picture of it cause he had the cutest look on his face looking up out of the bowl. :P

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LOL - That would have been a great Photo with your Grey in the Toilet. :-) But, I'm sure you were more worried at the moment about getting him out. :ohmy:


Did he even try to flutter on his way down? It would seem odd, if he didn't. It seems to be a natural reaction for any bird when falling to flap furiously.

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Put your grey on your index and go somewhere away from his cage. Go to a safe area in the house.

Take your thumb finger and put it across the top of the front claws. Press and hold front claws firmly on your finger. Extend your hand a little bit so that he can't hit your body with his body. Slowly and gently, start waving your hand up and down about 8 to 10 inches. Instinct will make the bird flap wings. At first, do it about 2 to 3 times a day for about 5 minutes each time. As the days go by, increase the amount of time each session. Walk around the room and do it again. Do it every day. Breast muscles will strenghten and your grey will experience uplift. He won't go anywhere cause you're holding his feet on your fingers. If he's clipped, let the feathers grow out. The longer the feathers, the stronger the uplift. Ater a while doing this might very well let your grey feel comfortable when he thinks about flying on his own.



Post edited by: MrSpock, at: 2007/09/06 18:51<br><br>Post edited by: MrSpock, at: 2007/09/06 18:56

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Guest briansmum

yes it's highly unusual if she has full use of her wings she is choosing not to use them. how old is she?


mrspocks technique is very good, howver if the wings are sitting in different positions it is possible one may have been damaged and i would get her checked out by a vet before i encouraged strenuous wing excersise.

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Great information on physical flying Therapy Dave!!


Ubecrew - Did the person you adopted your Grey from have any info on the history and/or possibly obtained a Vet checkup while in their care?


If not, it may be wise, as others indicated to have a Vet give him the "A Ok" for Flight School. :-)

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Kudos again on the physical therapy Dave.


I know that there was never a wing injury on my CAG but I sometimes see his wings overlap a little bit...mainly when he is standing really tall and holding his wings tight. It was much more noticeable before I clipped him, but he has never had a problem getting lift. I would be calling the vet to get a check-up very soon if I was you.


The time he fell in the toilet he was flapping like a mad man going down, but the angle he fell at must have kept him from gracefully landing. I freaked and scooped him out as quick as I could to make sure he didn't hurt himself. You know, I should repost that in the forum topic for getting you Grey to take a bath!<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2007/09/06 21:09

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Guest briansmum

all greys wings overlap towards the end if they have all their flight feathers, but ubecrew mentioned one hun differently, they should sit identically. to be safe i would get it checked out. if all is a-ok, i would start flying lessons

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Guest Monique

A vet visit is a good idea.


My bird flies just fine. And he's only a few months old.


He does jump off his perch onto the bottom of his cage. Within his cage. This is not that far of a drop. It is obviously a deliberate jump. I have no idea why he does it. He looks like he's a few fries short of a Happy Meal.

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Guest briansmum

oh yes, brian leaps around his cage like he's spider-bird or something! but they are all intentional, well judged and well landed jumps. if he started plummeting to the floor i would be worried

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I tried last night to do the flying lessons that MrSpock had given but she wouldn't even flap. She would rather take the chance at falling then flap. She was at the vet right before i got her, i have yet to track down a good vet, cause i live out in the middle of no where! I know she can flap because she will sit on the side of her door and flap to open and close it. I am ust starting to think she might be a little SPECIAL.

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Guest briansmum

mayeb she has a fear of flying, you mention one of her wings is different, maybe she had a bad experience flying once and it has scared her.

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Hi Ubecrew,


Perhaps in performing the exercise a few more times, she will start flapping.


She is a smart Grey to have learned she can open and close her door by flapping! :-) Thats actually a cool mental image and an entertainer. :-)


Special - LOL, it could also be that never learning to fly, has a lot to do with her not realizing yet, that she can control her descent by doing so, since it seems she may have never fledged.


You may need to become the Mommy Grey and by doing the exercises MrSpock gave, over and over, she will start flapping and feeling the lift from those power wings.


Perhaps there are others here that has a Grey in the past that never fledged and had to be taught that they are a Bird and those wings are made for flying, not just balance. B)

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