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Clicking Sound


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Paige here, My CAG Chipper is 10 yrs old, I've had him for 5 weeks. And I have no access to his former owner, I just have a curious question, every time Chipper is playing and he'll be hanging upside down from the top of the cage, he'll dive like he's trying to feed me, and every time he tries to feed me he makes this click sound. Just one click. He'll swing at my finger, try to feed me and click. Is this normal behaviour? I ask because I saw videos of a guy using a pet training clicker to train his birds, and it is a similar sound. Any insight would be great!!! Thanks.

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When my grey Corky clicks it means she is content. She will sit on her perch and just look around and click or if she is on my shoulder she will do the same thing.

It`s a natural sound they make when content and feel safe.

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There are several different kind of clicks, one is when they are happy or content and the other is a different one that means I am not happy with whatever you are doing or a warning click, I can tell the difference in both but it is hard to describe each one but I can tell which one when I hear it.

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