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Majestic Macaws :)


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Hi all,


Would love to hear from those who have or have had macaws! I've had a military and currently have a Green wing, both recycled.


Does your macaw talk? Paco has a rather large vocabulary, speaking over 200 words and phrases, even whispering them sometimes. I love when he uses his wings to hide his face and will say Peek-a-boo! He also puts his foot to his beak and says "Shhhh!"


Let's hear those macaw stories!!!!



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I read somewhere once that Indian Ringnecks think they're macaws so... would a Tybalt story count??? :D


Honestly, I do have little daydreams occasionally about owning a macaw (a Greenwing, to be exact), but right now my hubby and I both know our flock is just the right size for our circumstances. In the future, perhaps, we will end up being able to adopt a macaw who needs a good home from someplace less than stellar, but not just yet.

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I admire macaws from a distance, they are too much bird for me but I do enjoy seeing other's macaws, some people just aren't meant to be big bird owners and I am one of them, give me something equal to or smaller than a grey and I am happy, my grey is my equivalent of a big bird.

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Dory's bad habit 008.jpgI adopted Sunshine, a blue and yellow Macaw back in October. He has been with me now for 8 months. Seems like just a few weeks. Where does the time go??? He is still adapting, but is making progress every day. At first he wouldn't come out of his cage. Now he looks forward to coming out and going onto his Java tree. We progressed then to sitting on my arm in the evening while watching tv. We have now graduated to resting and preening on my stomach while I lay on the couch. He is still a bit jumpy with any movements that I make that are sudden or jerky, but he has made steady progress and I'm hoping he continues to develop and accept me completely. He only has said Hello a few times and he NEVER screams or hollars. I wish he was more vocal, but that is probably a wish that I'd would regret if he were to become more vocal.lol. He is a sweet bird and even allows my parrotlet to sit on the tree and eat out of his food bowl, while he sits and watches him. He never tries to bite or act aggressively. Kevin
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I seriously want a mini macaw! Always have. But all my birds find me & for some reason no macaws ever have :(


The big ones take my breath away. But I don't think I'd ever have owned one unless it was my only bird. Never get tired of being around them, though.

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