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GenderS: Birds and owners

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Hey all.


I'm still waiting on the sexing results from the two baby greys at my breeder. I really want a boy for several reasons. Now I've of course heard the theory that opposite genders tend to bond more easily with their owners in certain types if birds. However, in all my research I've only heard that in anecdotal evidence from other owners in my area, and only one of them had Greys. On the other hand any of the behaviorists and trainers I've read/watched tend to say that it's mre to do with the individual bird and upbringing/ebvironment than gender.


I am interested in hearing from any forum members that have strong bonds with their same gender Greys. Its not that I don't wish to hear from people with string bonds of opposite genders, but I hear that often. I'm looking for positive proof of same gender bonds as negative proof is so much harder to define.


Lots of people can say there's no gold in China, but if someone finds gold there, the theory is false.

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Each grey is differant, some will bond with one person and others will form a family circle. Our grey Corky loves my wife, my son, and me the same and will fly back and forth to each of us. She does not show any favorites. A lot is up to the grey and how you socialise them. Every person takes part in her every day activities. She looks foward to be with each of us every day.

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My grey is female and she is my sweetheart. She loves me but she also likes my two grandsons, one is 11 and one is 21. I just gave an older male ekkie to a young man and from what I understand they bonded quickly. So I believe, like all animals it is something about a person that is liked, not the gender.

Edited by luvparrots
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I have a same gender red bellied parrot and I am her favorite person. I have an opposite gender male Timneh and he has been here only a couple of months. He seemed to bond with me on sight. We work with them both with every member of our family and with our friends so they will accept anyone of either gender. I also believe they could change their preference at any time and although that would be difficult to me, I think I would be happy with knowing someone else I love was a favorite for a while too just so they know how it feels. I could play second fiddle if it meant my grey and my hubby had a close bond and in fact encourage them both to make friends.

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Our grey, Cosmo, who is a male, is completely bonded to Jeff. He likes me too, but if given the choice, he would choose Jeff every time. Our newest flock member, Mojo, is also a male and I am hoping he will be bonded to me when he comes home. I go visit him daily and have been helping with the hand feedings. I decided on another male Grey because our other two birds are male. I don't think there is any merit to the opposite sex theory. I agree that the individual bird does it all on his or her own.



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Thanks for the input all. You echo pretty much what I've ready throughout my research. It's nice to have some input from other owners. When given the choice, I usually go for male pets. And considering that I'll have a second bird in the future, sexually differentiated breeds I tend towards the malesfor vocal ability and color etc.


Sounds just like any other animal, socialization is key!

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Our CAG Bear bonded to myself and my boyfriend equally. He didn't have a favourite at all. He didn't like strangers but between us two there was no difference in behaviour. Just very loving and friendly. However he only speaks in my voice.


Our male ekkie hated women, me included. We got him as an adult though. Our female ekkie also hated women.


Our U" is very good with anyone, she has never bitten ever. She is very quiet with new people, but I am definitely her favourite by far. She gets jealous of my boyfriend and tell him off all the time. Lots of feather inflating and mock charging at him, but she never actually DOES anything to him. Same if he tells her off, she will tell him off straight back haha. with me its nothing but sweetness and light. In fact she can be all hyper from telling my boyfriend off, and as soon as I just touch her or say her name, instant calm and no 'head-dress' on display.


I don't think it ahs anything to do with sex, just a birds socialisation, and also just generally who they prefer. Ie some birds may like a quieter calmer person, others like people who are very playful and energetic.


We have just got a new CAG, 6 wks old. and already he is much quieter with me than with my boyfriend, after only one day. And its simple, he is seeing me more and Im feeding him. I think the reason our other CAG bonded to us both is because we did everything with him together, and spent time with him together. Usually that isn't possible, as it isn't for us now. Im at home all day and my boyfriend is at work, so I expect for now at least our little baby will be more at ease with me.

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