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Bean/Rice/Grain Mix


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15 bean mix, brown rice, alphabet noodles, wheat berries, cooked millet, barley, pepitos, frozen veggie mix, boiled popcorn, golden flax, sliced almonds, pecan pieces, a few sunflower seeds. Everything organic of course. :)

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I cook up a similar mix in my rice cooker. I cook together brown rice and an assortment of whole grains, along with some split peas and lentils and maybe some diced carrots, chopped broccoli, or other veggies. When it's done, I mix in some frozen mixed veggies. The frozen veggies cool the grain mixture and the hot grains thaw out the frozen veggies. When I serve this, I also chop in some raw veggies, like red bell pepper and greens, and maybe a little fruit. I don't know what I'd do without my rice cooker.

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Thanks, and you are welcome! I freeze in portions that last about 2 days and serve slightly warmed up with a piece of birdy bread and fresh veggies and the occasional piece of fruit. Oh yes and a little bit of what she can have of our meal at dinner time. I give the same but in tiny portions to my parakeet as well. I think he is going to live to be 20. :) I like the rice cooker idea, I'll bet that's a real time saver!

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Organic! Good for you! Don't you enjoy feeding your fids good healthful foods and watching them bury their faces in all that yumminess! I swear my birds eat better than I do and only organic will do. I found these little tupperware containers the hold 1/4 cup and I cook up a batch, divide it between the containers, and freeze. The little tupperwares are so easy to pull out of the freezer for a fresh batch. It is fun thinking up new combinations of veggies, beans, and grains to give them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looks great! I have to ask, where do you get some of your ingredients? Like golden flax, millet, and pepitos? Can these things be found at the grocery? I have a Trader Joe's about 40 miles away, would they have these ingredients?

I live in the country and the closest grocery stores are Kroger and Walmart. I make an occasional trip to the bigger cities......Thanks, Carla

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We have a Pick n Save grocery store here that has a large selection of organic seeds/grains/nuts. If you have to make a special trip to get them the nice thing is you can freeze them without cooking to use later too. When my supply starts getting low I'll gather all the dry ingredients for the next batch and put them in a gallon freezer bag in my freezer. Once it's all cooked I put 2 or 3 day portions in sandwich bags, roll them up to get out all the air, zip them closed and then put those into gallon freezer bags to freeze.

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  • 1 month later...

This one really looks amazing and awesome and thanks for sharing this and one thing that i observed is that my mouth also filled with water after look at the food and it looks like a man dish as well as it is made for parrots.

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See thread Tinkerbell mash for more info. I will just quote Shanlung: " Lima beans contained linamarin, which releases a cyanide compound unless cooked thoroughly. The soaking/germinating process that I do reduces the linamarin.

The liquidizing of the all the beans ensured the beans are broken into small bits so that cooking is thorough to render harmless all poison from lima and other beans"

Hope it helps.

Edited by Morana
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