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Sully has a New Home!!!!


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Living with our parrots is an ever evolving learning process. Who could know what is on Sully's mind? I am just thrilled to know he is encouraging Jordan and his family to be ever more involved and "hands on" with him. Getting him into a harness had to be scary the first time. It is something I have not worked up the nerve to try just yet, but it is coming. Your posts are very encouraging to those of us with "reform school" birds. LOL.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update!!!! I spoke to Sully's new "Mom". Everyone in his new owner's family has embraced Sully into their home. Well, Ida wants to take Sully driving with her so she has purchased him a handmade leather harness from Florida. I can't wait to see this!!!! Certainly, Sully is very spoiled and loving it!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

So update on Sully and his new friend Jordan. Jordan came over the other day to borrow Ana Grey's harness to take Sully to "Camas Days". I asked to see Sully so Jordan brought him over before going out with him. I answered the door and said "Hi Sully" Sully took a step back and planted a beak on Jordan's cheek. What a sweet way to tell me he was so very happy in his new life by kissing his new parront. It brought tears to my eyes confirming that I had done the right thing for Sully, he is loved and happy with Jordan and his family. What a delightful warm feeling that gives me. I just wanted to share this experience with everyone.

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As I said, Sully kissed his new parront on the cheek in my presence, he no longer considers himself part of my flock, and let me know with that act, that he was happy. He rides on Jordan's shoulder all over town and is very happy and I am delighted for him and Jordan.

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At first Sully was a jewel and then he became infatuated with me and I could no longer handle him.


You got me a bit confused here.. You said Sully is a ornery bird and after that you say he is a jewel. I feel like I missed a part of the storry. And this sentence I quoted is puzzeling me all together. Why wouldn't you be able to handle him if he likes you?


Today is the first time I came upon this thread and it is just great!:-) I'm so thrilled Sully is happy and just can't wait new updates!! You are a great person for enabling Sully his happiness :-) Tnx for having such a big heart:-)

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Morana, this is all water under the bridge now. I rescued Sully from a pet store in my country town, population is just over 13,000. He would scream and eat chicken noodle soup and sit all day in a dirty cage. He had a bad leg and he was plucked and miserable. He came to live with me and was a sweetheart and very calm. He was clipped and had been for the 7 1/2 years he lived in the pet store. He was sold at least two times before me and was always returned because of his screaming and biting. He and Ana Grey became my flock. His leg got better (perhaps it was just the filth on his talons) and he is now fully flighted. Sully eventually became infatuated with me and began to lick my arm with his tongue and try to latch on with his beak. I have a blood problem and getting a cut or bad bite could be lethal to me. Sully is a mature male ekkie and not my type so after some PMing with a respected knowledgeable member of this forum. I decided I could no longer handle Sully safely as he would lunge at me and give me the evil eye most of the year. So two years later, I decided that he belonged with Jordan, a young man in the neighborhood who has had some bad breaks and needed a friend as much as this fid needed him. They became good friends and the rest is history. This is the best thing I could have done for Sully, he is happy and very much loved. Do I wish he and I could have had a friendship, yes, I am quite jealous of the close bond Jordan and Sully have and disappointed I couldn't do that for Sully. Am I sorry I give Sully do Jordan, certainly not, he is happy and Jordan is a great parront for him. The next time I see Jordan and Sully I'll get a picture to post, here.

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  • 6 months later...

Update on Sully. As you all remember, I gave Sully to the young man next door, Jordan. [ATTACH=CONFIG]21689[/ATTACH]


As Ana Grey hates Sully and always attacks him if she sees him, Jordan will not bring Sully over if Ana Grey is out of her cage/room. Well one evening Jordan and his family came over to play cards and after my flock went to bed, Jordan brought Sully over. I was delighted because during the course of the evening Sully climbed off of Jordan's shoulder and walked up my arm and gave me a kiss/beak on the cheek, and then started back to Jordan. Only you that have re-homed parrots or abused parrots know how happy that made me. To me it was as if Sully by giving me a kiss was saying "Thank you for my new life but I love Jordan and family now, thank you." Made me cry he is so loved and so very happy. Check out his leather harness, Sully is so spoiled by this family.


Just a little reminder: Sometime people give their parrots away for other reasons then that they don't want them anymore. Sometimes it is for the love of a parrot. (food for thought)

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To me it was as if Sully by giving me a kiss was saying "Thank you for my new

life but I love Jordan and family now, thank you."

He may very well have meant that Janet and as much as you probably miss him you are content that he is happy and so loved in his new home, thanks for the update and the pic.

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