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Sully has a New Home!!!!


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As everyone knows I rehomed an older male eclectus a couple of years ago. He was found in a car wash and was terribly plucked. Sully is a very ornery old bird and is very set in his ways, hence no one ever purchased him from the pet shop and if they did, they always returned him. He lived there for over 7 1/2 years before I purchased him. At first Sully was a jewel and then he became infatuated with me and I could no longer handle him. Well, Jordan a 20 year old young man has always loved parrots and could never afford to purchase one. So Jordan has been doing yard work for me and I have given him Sully. Cage and all. All I ever wanted was someone who could love Sully for who he was and really wanted a parrot. So we will see how this goes. I am hoping this will be a permanent solution to Sully's problem. Keep your fingers crossed for Sully, that he has finally found someone to love him unconditionally and be able to handle him also.

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I know as much as you hate to give Sully up it may be for the best if Jordan is the one he takes to and from what you have told us it seems a good match, please keep us informed of further progress and I hope this is going to be a permanent solution as he deserves it.

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This warms my heart. It takes someone who loves Sully very much to recognize that he might bond better to the next person. It is hard to let him go but happy to see him embrace Jordan. This is how I got Gilbert and not a day goes by that I am not blessing and thanking Sarah. He may well have associated her with his abandonment from the previous home, but he came home with me and is a jewel. Sully may have just needed you in a part of his journey to settle his nerves until Jordan came along when Sully was ready to move forward. I hope you hear many happy stories about him with Jordan.

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The hardest part of being a parront is knowing when to let them go. You have made a very selfless difference in the life of Sully and his new parront. His needs above all else is what is important. I'm glad to hear that all things are going well. Keep us posted.



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Jordan came over twice yesterday to tell me how he and Sully are getting along. Sully even flew to Jordan, something he never did for me, I am so happy they both seem so happy together. Sully has also been nuzzling Jordan with his beak, another something he never did for me! I am amazed that they have melted together so quickly. I hope it continues and that Sully has finally found a home for himself!

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I just got a note from Jordan's sister, Jessica (14) and she said that Sully is a sweetheart. That he is kissing them on the cheek and making lots of noises (Sully only says Hi,and makes noises he does not talk, at least never for me, perhaps he will do more with Jordan.) They all sound very happy and so I am absolutely thrilled for Sully. This is what I wanted for him, to find a person/family that would love and care for him. I do admit that I am a little jealous that the bonding he has made with Jordan and Jessica is so much greater than what we had. But this is what I wanted for Sully, a loving parront and now he has one. Hooray!

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Sometimes we love them enough to give them up and Sully just needed the right people to bring him out of his shell, even though I know you miss him terribly you know that he is truly happy now and thats all any of us ever wanted so know that you did the right thing Janet.

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Thanks for the update, I feel very strongly that my progress with Gilbert came upon the shoulders of rejection he showed Sarah. I just really believe he held back because of grief from leaving his previous home and maybe he was holding that against her. The stepping stone is a great analogy. Sully stayed with you long enough to feel safe and secure and built the foundation to open his heart to love with Jordan. It is a mystery and even as you feel a little loss from not having that acceptance from Sully, I know it has to be conflicting not to take it personally. That is why I don't take Gil's attitude here as something I have done, it is just being in the right place at the right time. How has Ana Grey reacted to having you all to herself?

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Sully did not interact with Ana Grey or Louie. He liked to be left alone and sit in his cage or in his travel cage. Ana Grey doesn't let anyone get in her way of what she wants. Even Louie who is twice the size of Ana Grey is bullied and ignored by my little lady. Ana Grey is just Ana Grey, who has full run of the house as she always has. She is quite spoiled!

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So to end this Sully thread. Jordan came by last evening with his "Parrot Book for Dummies" that he purchased to help him with Sully. I asked him how Sully was and if they were all happy at his house and he said a big Yes! They are keeping his name Sully and all the people enjoy him but he did bite the daughter, Jessie, apparently she pesters Sully to come to her quite a bit and Sully does not enjoy that. So, Sully broke skin and gave her a bloody bite. The mom and Jordan apparently spend the day when they are home carrying Sully around on their shoulders if Sully is not sitting on his cage top.


Sully has a few new sounds I never hear but his only words are still "hi" and "huh". So he is a sound maker not a talker and Jordan and his family seem alright with that. They have a routine that seems to work for them and I am delighted. Sully has found his permanent roost, hooray. Jordan even has a picture of Sully and him on his cell phone. Now that is true love. I gave Jordan Sully's travel cage, I really don't need it anymore so that they could go outside no problems.


If Sully grows back his feathers, I will surely let you know. I am just so happy he finally has a loving home he is enjoying!!!!!

Edited by luvparrots
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So glad things are working out for Sully. I know you want the best for him and it sounds like he found some one that he wants to be with.

The years we have had parrots we have found they like to have some control over their life and some times it`s hard to find a balance that each can live with.

Good luck to you and Sully and always know you played a important part in his life.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, I have an update on Sully. Sully's owner asked to borrow my Aviator Harness yesterday to take Sully for a walk to the store. Sully has never been in a harness but he likes Jordan a lot so I showed him how to put it on a parrot and wished them the best. Well Jordan came back happy as a lark because the walk was a success and the worst part was trying to get the harness off after the walk. I admitted to Jordan that I was a little jealous that Sully has bonded so well with him and his family. Ada, the mom, loves Sully to pieces and tells Jordan she is keeping Sully when Jordan moves out!!!!!! Anyhow, they are doing great and the whole family is very happy with Sully and Sully has stopped chewing chest and back feathers, but has moved to wings, which surprises me. I am hoping the wings are really molting not being pulled. Sully also says, up, up (for step up) for them. So perhaps talking will be next for this sweet big lug!!!!!

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