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Thanks to our Forum Leaders...


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;) A over looked commodity on this Grey't forum is our leaders, Talon [Penny, Administrator], Judygram our Ambassador, Janet [Luvparrots], Dan our Super Moderator, And Dave007, our Forum Expert. Who with out these Grey't folks there would be no Grey Forums....Let's give thanks to these people who work so hard to help the members and work so hard to keep things running smooth. And a BIG thanks to all you wonderful Members, both old and new......;)
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Ys, this forum leader team would not be complete with out our precious

JAYD, as we recently found out when he was out sick. Glad to have my family back, but the MEMBERS are what makes this place rock!!!


Thank you Jayd, Judy, Dan, Dave & Janet for all the time you donate to our family here. Aren't our birds blessed to have such a caring family?

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:D To all out new members who might not be aware but Judygram has threads and posts that total into the thousands! Due to my bad memory, before they change over to the new system, Judy's responses to members was truly a deed well done. Judy, what is your combined thread/post count please?:):)
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new system??????

Over a year ago the original system looked very much like this one, one feature that unfortunately wasn't carried over was the "Points Tally", which showed how many times a person had made a thread or post. When they switched to the new system, it went back to "zero", shame. It also had a "kUDO'S button, Whitch worked like our "Repartition" button. I hope some one might explain it more clearly then I have. So, Judy's total is the sum of the old and the new......Which is really high!

Edited by Jayd
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I have noticed that when I visit most other parrot forums, even just lurking (the Quaker parrot forums being a notable exception), that there is a definite lack of, um... class? It's like there's nothing cohesive about them. People post but it's more like a random, raucous high school cafeteria than a serious community forum. So I know I feel more comfortable visiting here for my 'parroty questions' and such than anywhere else. This is a welcoming place, with lots of experience shared and many knowledgeable contributors, moderators and members alike, who give this forum a nice, respectable feeling and who obviously love all of their fids very much. Congratulations on a job well done!

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There is nothing as precious as being welcome to this forum community and led by example of kindness and sharing. There is so much information shared here that helps all of our birds with new ideas and tried and true expertise that only comes from living with these exquisite creatures. The birds are pretty nice too. LOL. Thanks for all the hard work to our administrators and thank you Jay for bringing this up. I love coming here and learning and sharing. I would know nothing about parrots except what you all have taught me. I have learned when to be patient and step back and when to be assertive and step up to find vets for sick birds and to try new techniques and learn, grow and evolve to be a better companion to my parrots.

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This is indeed a very good forum, I have enjoyed the time I have spent here & always made to feel welcome, unlike some forums around. I have been on other parrot forums in the past & you say the wrong thing or ask the wrong question & you get it in the neck! It has never been like that here at grey forums, people are understanding & treat you with respect.


I have also gotten a lot of help here which has helped me through some tough times with Murphy in the beginning so a VERY BIG THANK YOU from me & Murphy to everybody at grey forums inc all the mods & admin. :)

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