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What the hell just happened??


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Cleo was happily playing on her boing several meters away from me, and I was sitting in my chair watching her. All of a sudden, without ANY warning, Cleo flew at me and attacked me. She beat her wings in my face and started scratching at my face. I put my hands up to protect my face, and she landed on my hands and started biting. She was still scratching and beating her wings at me.


I managed to get hold of a foot, and she tried to fly off, so I quickly ran to her cage and put her in there. She was still trying to fly off during the run back to her cage. Once I closed the door, she threw herself at the bar, lunging at me, still trying to attack.


I have several scratches and welts on my face from the scratches, and a dozen or so bleeding bite marks on my hands.


Five minutes after this event, she is sitting in her cage, whistling and chattering away to herself like nothing happened.


Cleo and I have a great relationship, and she has never done anything like this before. Her and I play together all the time, and I can touch her anywhere on her body. If I do something she doesn't like, she gently grabs my finger and pushes it away. She likes to chill out on a chair close to me whilst watching tv (alone but still together sort of thing). She goes belly up for me when playing and I can gently tickle her there, so I'd say she does trust me.


So why did this happen? I am a little upset, and more than a little confused and perplexed why she suddenly decided to attack me so viciously. Can anyone shed any light on this please?

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WOW, I am so sorry, I am sure this scared you. The only thing I can think of something scared her. Maybe another animal? something on tv, maybe even her own shadow. She could have thought you were in danger, and bit to get you away from what ever it was.

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My friend, this is just a possibility...this has happened to a lot of our rescues and Spock.If a Grey hurts or in pain, they can and will lunge and act as you've said to the one they love. This also can be brought on by extreme fear. It would be the same as if you suddenly had a sharp pain in your head or a toothache and they just don't understand. Keep watch on your baby for head-shaking, discoloration on the skin around the eyes toward the beak. She could have banged herself with the atom. Just a possibility...luv ya,


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it could have been something like if you normally wear glasses, then didn't or the other way around, or wearing something she didn't recognize, a strange noise, etc. something sure spooked her. sorry she took it out on you. my conure has had similar episodes in the past, happily crawling all over me, then charging up my chest and attacking my face! one time it was simply because she had seen me rub my nose with the "non favorite" hand. she's very picky about which one of my hands does what, lol! plus if she sees both my hands at the same time, she'll attack the "enemy" hand. she's getting better about that as she's getting older, but when she was younger, wow, it was crazy!!

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I don't have any ideas about why she might have done it, but man, I feel for you - that must have been terrifying. Do you think it's going to affect your relationship with her? (ie, can you still trust her, or will you keep one wary eye open at all times?)

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Thank you for your suggestions and support. Thinking back on what was happening, moments before Cleo flew at me, there was a fly buzzing around her, and she was tracking it visually and lunging at it, then carried on playing on the boing. You think this might have upset her?


Zoom, after a 15 minute time out spell for both Cleo AND myself, I went over to her cage, and she came running to where I was standing as usual. I was able to give her a little scratch, also as usual. She started beaking my fingers gently, and acted like her usual funny sweet self. I admit initially I was a bit wary and even jerked my hand back a little when she started beaking, but I feel positive and confident this morning. I'll just make sure there aren't any flies around when Cleo is out. (There's been a huge fly invasion in the area, probably because the weather is still quite warm for autumn, and I spend a lot of time swatting the little pests, but the occasional one evades me).


Thanks guys!

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That was a very scary experience but my guess is it may have had everything to do with that fly as I don't think she was attacking you but you received the brunt of the fallout, maybe the fly landed on you and she was just going after it full throttle and the fact that she is now over it like it never happened is more proof of that. Hopefully this will never happen again but it can be very unnerving when it is happening. Keep us posted as to how she is in the next few days.

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Well it's been a few days since this little episode, and Cleo is as good as gold. She's her usual sweet funny self, with not a hint of aggression at all. She doesn't appear to be ill or in pain, and is playing, eating, pooping and singing as usual. I'm investing in some electric flyswats, as I don't want a repeat experience of this. It was most unnerving and painful! Thank you all for your support and input.

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Okay, I have to admit, I have once nearly destroyed my living room to get to a spider, so I can kind of relate to Cleo's heat of the moment. Great idea on the bug zapper and big kudos for not taking it personally and getting back into your groove with Cleo. I am so happy to hear you were brave enough to get past this and I echo Judy's sentiment that I hope it never happens again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That must have been scary and heartbreaking! This is purely anecdotal, and possibly conjecture, but when my bird was younger, we had a similar situation happen. He flew at my face without provocation. I was standing there looking at him quietly and then all of a sudden he flew at my face. About that time we started taking him outside for 15 minutes of sunshine a day. Like I said this may be pure coincidence, but taking him outside for his "Vitamin Sunshine" has REALLY mellowed him out. He no longer has bratty outbursts of any kind. You might want to try it. My vet says it is because Vitamin D is a mood hormone, as well as, a vitamin.

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