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How do you keep your house poop free?


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I am always amazed so many people let there birds roam around the house. The obvious question to me is how do you keep everything from getting pooped on? My fids are still babies Kenya CAG 12 weeks and Samba Sun Conure 4 months but they seem to go on everything! Any pointers???

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HA HA! You don't! I have 3 free flighted birds out most of the days.....I know the spots they go in, I will clean it up as I see it most of the time. At night, I go thru the house and clean up all the usual spots! I also keep 3 "potty baskets" in the kitchen on the counter where they like to perch and watch what is going on. I have 5 lb weights in them and a cut up a puppy pad on top of that, so when they perch on the basket, they will poop there. Works in the morning especially.

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I have my macaws potty trained. Roy the ruby, goes in the box under his door, and Prince b/g will go on his perch. When Roy gets mad at me is will aim it to miss the box. If I am holding them they will clutch harder, so I take them to the trash or perch and they will go.

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LOL I was going to say the same thing, "you don't" Luckily Rorschach has his designated poop spots, he will usually fly to one of these places if he has to go (usually on David's chair) but I am happy to report that he pooped in my hair last night, the little bugger, and it was right after I had washed my hair. :P

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All I have to say is LMAO. I wish I knew. But seriously, I have days where I spend hours just cleaning this place up so that it looks like a bird doesn't crap all over the place. Best advice I can give is to get yourself the right tools to deal with the situation. My weapons of choice are a Dyson vacuum and a Bissel Spot Bot. The spot bot is awesome. I will usually wait till there are about 4 or more bad spots to clean up, then break that little baby out to completely remove stains. Most of the time...the poop sits on the carpet without sinking int...if you are light enough with a paper towel...you can often get it to stick to the paper towel with a light brush over it. DO NOT PUSH IT IN HARDER....LOL. My house is completely carpeted, I know possibly the most amount of work required. I also have spot carpet cleaners in a spray bottles for quick couch messes and such. It is a lot of work for me...because Issac does not care where he goes....nothing is sacred...except maybe inside of his cage...where he goes maybe once a month. Nice eh?


I make sure that when I take him out of the cage....I hold him over a proper place to poop. But he doesn't seem to get the pattern. But at least I avoid the big poops. The best way is to stay on top of it...and don't get behind...because you will spend a lot of time getting things back to normal. It seems like a ton of work, but soon you almost get involuntary reactions to poop where your hand is reaching for a paper towel before you had to conciously think of it. That is the other thing.....get tons of paper towels!! It is money well spent. Pick poop up...throw it away. I keep my place pretty clean and I know the dedication it requires....good luck.

Edited by Elvenking
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So basically you are all telling me Shit Happens LOL. I guess I will just have to work on my technique, I am always smooshing it into the carpert and then it is a real mess. Thanks for the help, I really thought I was missing something!

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Cosmo is pretty much potty trained. He will only go on his cage or his table top playgym(with paper under it of course). We call the upper perch on his playgym the "poopy perch". In the beginning I made sure to take him to it every 10 minutes or so and ask him "Have to poop?". Now whenever we see him ruffle we ask "have to poop? go to the poopy perch" He'll fly right over and go. Normally he does this automatically, but he does have occasional accidents. These days its also accompanied by him saying "Go poop? Good boy!"

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You dont, you just do the best you can to keep up with it :)


Kaan will go in the same place, most of the time. Sometimes he forgets and sometimes he just cant be bothered to fly up there. If he's sitting on me sometimes he'll give a little squeal and I know he's going to poop on me and have to shoo him up there.


Funny to see him fly up there, go poop, then look down at it and say 'BIG POO!'

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We have concrete floors, which makes things a little easier. I squirt a little AviClean on floor spots and leave them for about 10 minutes. Then they'll mop or wipe up easily.


For poop on chairs or fabric, I use the Poop-Off wipes. No bird home should be without them.


Of course, if I witness them poop, I quickly wipe it up. As you said, Shit Happens. You just have to stay after it. (I actually have a little tile hanging on the wall that says, "Poop Happens.")

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in our house, we go on 'bird poo hunts and not easter egg hunts!!! LOL...


Vinegar takes it right off of wood or non carpet flooring or whatever isn't fabric...counters, all that stuff. If it's on the carpet, I will usually wait until it's dry and pick it off. Then, when the bird is not around, i use a carpet cleaner... (he doesn't come out until it's dry!) A blanket goes on the back of chair that Jasper can destroy and poo on...it goes in the wash if company comes over!

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Its a fact of life that if you share your home with birds you are going to have to deal with a certain amount of poop, they go hand in hand and you can't have one without the other, bird lovers understand this and deal with it the best way they can and some of the responses here are excellent ideas of how to deal with it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I get a light weight plastic tarp and cut it to size for the appropriate area where they hang out. My two tend to sit for long periods in predictable locations. For example, there is one particular window ledge that has a good outside view of the trees, so I put a 15" wide strip of the tarp under the whole ledge. That way I can just take the plastic outside and hose it off with a high pressure stream of water. I also use this under where they eat and sleep. Of course, there will be "accidents" in other locations. We use a product called, "poop-off" for that. It is enzyme-based and non-toxic for birds. The key is to squirt it on and let it sit for a few minutes, to allow it to work, then wipe up. Brutus, the grey, is courteous enough to not go when I am holding him, but Jimpster, the quaker, is liable to go at any time. I usually look for signs of "squatting" and move him to a better location.

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All carpet here. Honestly, keeping up with it is best, but you can't always, so I use hot water and OxyClean OR Woolite's oxygen cleaner. The warm water really loosens it up, but the cleaners get it out. We have also trained our birds that they are not allowed on the couches (without a person) or TV (which isn't that difficult).

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Before I got my parrots, I knew my grey would be able to roam free, it was what I was looking forward to, so I had my total home un-carpeted so I now have laminated wood floors throughouot the house and tiles in the bathrooms. I also have hanging perches and my parrots know that is where they are to land. I do have throws on the back of my couch so that my parrots can sit with me if they choose. As for my floors, I can always find the poo because I never wear shoes in the house so I am pretty diligent when it comes to poo droppings. In the bird room I have newspaper over the laminated floors and pick them up every night when I put the gang to bed.

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Murphy really only poops in two places, his cage & his stand as he spends most of his time there. I find if you teach them where they can perch & where they can't they will learn & then you can make sure you have paper in the places you allow them to perch. If I pick him up to have a cuddle or tickle I wait until he has done a poop then pick him up, I then put him back after about 20-30mins as that is about the time between poops. Within a minute or so he does one & can them come back down, this strategy has worked 99.9% & I've only had around 5 poops on me in a little over a year. I made the mistake once of getting him out first thing in the morning before his huge morning poop & you guessed it...........................I got one huge poop down my back!

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